The Reaper - Satan

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"Darkness. Darkness. Darkness envelopes me. But it's only you...I desire...I DESIRE YOU!" - Alois Trancy, Kuroshitsuji II

The air had cooled down, ice hung in the air and flashes of blue lightning illuminated Tartarus. I walked through the grey desert. The dust-like sand billowed up in clouds with each step and the chill wind blew it into the air. Moans from the wounded souls pierced the air and Cerberus would growl at any tortured being that came to close, his three heads glaring with bloodshot eyes.

The three Hecatonchires watched us from afar, their fifty heads trembled and their hundred arms were chained and linked together. Grey stone monuments jutted out from the land, each with their own markings and runes, each with their own demon to imprison. Another flash of lighting failed to brighten up the air; it only made the place creepier. Although lightning forever flashes, never did it rain. It would give the Captivus of Tartarus the little replenishment they need to break free from their strong holds.

In the centre of the prison was a fizzing electrical orb that floated in the air. The lightning came from this ball. I stood under it and looked up. A bolt flashed out from the sphere and struck me. I felt my skin stretch into a ribbon and the burning sensation took over me. I was sucked into the spinning orb and was transported to a large hall.

The dark stone walls were crumbling from the lava that flowed between the cracks. One wall was entirely covered in a dark orange fire. In front of that wall sat a large throne. It was double the width of a normal one and half the height of the wall behind it. The floor was charred from the fires that erupted randomly.

A booming laugh rebounded off the walls and a short, dark figure appeared behind the flames. Smoke materialised on the throne and from the smoke came Satan. His plump red body sat lazily on the throne. He spun his red trident in one hand and tapped his long black fingernails on the thrones arm.  Two long horns pointed out of the top of his head and a large grin was stretched on his face. His beady black eyes never left mine.

“Ah, Diomedes, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?” His voice was laced in darkness and I felt Cerberus bristle slightly from his large demonic aura.

“Hades, I hope you’ve had the most disastrous day.” I said and bowed low. He laughed once more.

“Please, Hades is what those pitiful Humans made up for some ‘God’, I’m Devil, or Satan. And yes, my night has been most catastrophic, thank you.” He waved his hand dismissively and I noticed with how much disdain he said ‘Humans’ and ‘God’. Dark smoke formed a kind of table in front of him and he rested his elbows on it. “Now tell me, why are you here?”

“I apologise Satan, but I wish to take a … ‘vacation’ of some sorts for a while.” I kept my voice calm and my gaze hard. The red man seemed shocked.

“A vacation? And why would you want that?” Satan exploded into smoke and appeared in front of me, his arrow-tail waving wildly and his trident placed firmly on the ground.

“My life is boring and I want to see ways to ‘liven’ it up.” I shrugged, telling the half of the truth. My life is boring. The Devil looked me up and down then disappeared. Within a second he floated down from the roof and onto his throne.

“Then by all means, take a vacation.” He waved his stubby hand and the unfamiliar emotion of shock coursed through me.

“Thank you, Satan.” I said and spun around, whistling to Cerberus to follow me out the wooden double doors behind us.

Satan sat on his large throne, his feet dangling over one arm rest while his tiny, red head propped up on the other. He studied his black fingernails and held his hand out. A goblet filled to the brim with Spiritus Elixir materialised. His cunning and sinful mind ticked like a clock as he mulled over Diomedes’s words. Reapers never take vacations, so what was he up too?

He had the nerve to walk into this hall with a Bible. The Holy book that was stuffed into his pouch shone like a light and sent waves of pure energy towards Satan. But he let Diomedes take his silly little ‘vacation’. He was getting bored with the Humans and wanted to see what the Reaper was doing with that book.

“Eris,” Satan spoke, his voice rebounding off the walls. Out of the shadows a beautiful Goddess appeared. Her raven hair floated around her gracefully but her black eyes were as dead as the souls here. Her deep red dress seemed to fall translucent at her feet and her malicious lips were the same colour.

“You called Master?” Her enchanting voice was mocking at the word ‘Master’ and she moved in front of Satan.

“Follow Diomedes, I sense some serious entertainment coming from him.” Satan ordered bored and twirled his trident. Eris flipped her hair over her shoulder but it stayed gracefully aloft in the air.

Right, and why would I do this Satan?” She asked with a roll of her eyes.

“Our little Reaper was carrying a Bible.” Eris’s eyes widen at that fact.

“Well, that is certainly interesting.”

Satan made a grunt of agreement and Eris sighed.

“Alright, I’ll keep him under watch. And if nothing interesting happens, I’ll find a way to bring some action into this little ‘quest’ of his.” The Goddess of Discord and Strife muttered.

The melted into the darkness and made her way to her throne in Tartarus. A wine glass was placed next to her and she swirled the water with her long finger. A vision of Diomedes and Cerberus in his little hut showed up and Eris watched them with little interest.

Around her, moans and pleas were sent her way but she waved her hand and the mouths of the souls vanished, leaving a muted display of panic. The Titans lumbered in a far corner and the Harpies and dozens of Gorgons surrounded her.

“Patience my little ones, I’ll send you soon enough.” She laughed as she kept her watch on Diomedes.

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