Chapter Four:12 Oppas and 1 Daughter (Part Two)

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"Now..first we're going to wake the leaders..okey"Kai said softly to Kyra.Kyra just rolled her eyes.Yeah!she totally hate Kai and she don't have any mood to act like a baby in front of Kai.

Kai lead her to Suho's room by holding her hand.She just froze but at the same time she follow Kai.

"Hyung..wake up!"Kai shout went he enter Suho's room."Kyra..can you help me to wake up that lazy guy?I will give you a love candy right?"Kai ask Kyra.Kyra doesn't want to but when she look at Kai's face..she felt pity to Kai.She just nod her head and climb Suho's bed with a help from Kai.

"Oppa..wake up"she whispered to Suho ear "ugh!Kai..why are you calling me oppa?it's disgusting!"Suho push Kyra from his bed "I'm Kyra..not Kai!"Kyra pinch Suho's cheek and Suho groan in pain "Kyra??huh!?"Suho open his eyes and his eyes become wide when he saw a little girl beside her.

"Kai..when did she arrive?"Suho ask but at the same time she carry Kyra."She just arrive here I decided to introduce us to her"Kai answer and then Suho smile to Kyra before he carry Kyra to another room to wake the others.

Few minutes later...
"Ugh!!"everyone scretch their body and they are so shock to see Kyra in their mansion.

"Ohh..this is Kyra right?"Chen ask and Kai nod.Kai try to stroke Kyra's hair but Kyra push his hand away immediately."Haha..she seems to hate you very much Kai"Tao laugh and Kai nod his head."That's right...I don't know why but she gets close with Suho hyung easily but not with me"Kai said sadly.

Kyra roll her eyes but she felt pity to Kai.She's not that cruel.She hug Kai and Kai smile "maybe she start to like me"Kai stroke Kyra hair gently.

"So guys..let's introduce ourselves to Kyra.."Suho said and all of them nod.

"Hi name is Suho.You already knew it..I know.Call me Suho oppa"Suho said."Okey..Suho oppa!"Kyra smile "ugh!you should call him uncle Kyra.He don't deserve that oppa name"Sehun said and Suho just hit his head "yah!she already call me oppa!"

"I'm Kris.You can call me appa or oppa.."Kyra decide to call him oppa because he is not her father.

"I'm Chanyeol.The most handsome guy in this group"Chanyeol praise himself that make the others angry "you don't have to teach her about handsome cause she knew it!" "Chanyeol oppa is handsome but I love that guy"Kyra said and she point her fingers to D.O

"See..I told you guys that I'm handsome.."D.O said "hi..Kyra..I'm D.O thank you for your love..I will cook special breakfast for you later.."

"I'm Xiumin..nice to meet you cutie.."Xiumin pinch Kyra cheeks that make her laugh.

"I'm has a deep dimple like me..we could be twins.."Lay said and he touch Kyra dimple.Everyone admit it because it's true.

"Who's that guy that has a panda eyes beside you..he look smart"Kyra said.Wait..she don't pretend to praise Tao because it's true.Tao look smart when he wear the black T-shirt."I'm Tao.."Tao kiss her cheek that make her blush "ooo...our maknae make her blushing huh?why are you blushing?is Tao handsome?"Luhan ask and Kyra nod "I like Tao oppa eyes.It's cute"Kyra said "I know that my black eyecircle will make her heart melt.."Tao said

"Anyway..I'm Luhan.."Luhan said and give her a candy but she refuse it "Kai already promise me that he will give me candy"Kyra said.

"Yes..I already promise her but Kyra..can you call me oppa like how you call the others?"Kai ask sweetly but Kyra just shook her head.She still don't want to become close to Kai because he hate Kai's rude attitude to her.The members just laugh at Kai when they saw Kai pout.Kyra walk towards Chen.

"I know're Chen.Chen oppa"Kyra said.She still remember that Chen had introduce himself to her at the shopping mall before they get chase."Oh you know me?what a surprise!"Chen said and the members glared at him.Yeah!Kyra know him?it's unfair.

"I'm Baekhyun oppa.."Baekhyun said but Kyra raise her eyebrow."Baekin??I know that!Baskin Robbins ice cream right?"Kyra said.She just pretend to said Baekhyun name wrongly.The other members just laugh at him and they tease him.

"Oo..who are you sir??we don't have a friend that name like ice cream here.."

"Sorry sir..we don't like your ice cream..just get out from here Mr Baekin.."

" guys don't know him!he is Baekin..from Exo."

"Yes I'm Byun Baekin from Exo!"Baekhyun said and then he smack Sehun's head.

"Auch!Kyra..he smack my head.It's hurt!"Sehun said and Kyra just laugh before she walk to Sehun and stroke Sehun head gently."'re so sweet dear..anyway my name is Sehun"Sehun said "emm can I call you Sehunnie!?"Kyra ask while making her puppy eyes.."well..of course you can!"Sehun said and Kyra just jump happily.

"Oh..she's so cute..I can't stop pinch her cheek"

"Argh!my heart!heart attack!"

"I'm gonna die!Kyra help me.."Lay pretend to die in front of Kyra and Kyra walk to him and kiss his cheek.Lay blush but he still pretend to die in front of Kyra.Yeah!he's good at act..he open his eyes widely and put his hand on top of his chest.

"Lay oppa..don't die.."Kyra cry while her hands are hugging Lay's body."Uh..uh..Lay you made her cry"Chanyeol try to carry Kyra but Kyra still want to hug Lay.Of course she know that Lay only want to tease her..but she has to act like she doesn't no anything.She's a baby right??

Lay laugh before he hug Kyra back "oh baby..don't cry..I'm just playing with you"Lay said to Kyra and then Kyra pout before she run towards Suho." already hate Lay right?"Suho chuckle before he stroke Kyra's hair "emm..he looks like a donkey when he die"Kyra nod her head and the others just laugh 'Lay become donkey' hmm.. "watch out baby..donkey oppa want to chase you right now.."Lay chase Kyra and Kyra just run around the sofa before Kai stop her and then carry her to sofa "you can't run like that or else you could hurt yourself"Kai said."Ohh our Kim Jongin already act like he's the father of Kyra.."Baekhyun said.

"So..Kyra..I want to make breakfast now.You want me to make your milk?where's your bottle?"D.O ask "D.O oppa..I don't drink in the bottle can make me hot chocolate and pour it in the glass.."Kyra answer and all of them nod.Hmm..this kid doesn't drink milk in the bottle already.."do you wear diapers?"Kris ask her "nope.. I wear my pants"she answer but at the same time she feel embarrassed.She told that 12 guys that she wear pants??

"Yah!Kim Jongin..Mrs Park call you"Sehun shout from Kai and his room."Mrs Park?where did she get my number?"Kai ask but he just answer that call.

Kai:Yes..Mrs Park?
Mrs Park:Kai..can I ask you a favor??
Kai:emm of course you can..but aren't you suppose to get into the flight right now?
Mrs Park:our flight postpone to 12.Can you bring Kyra to the shopping mall after this?she don't bring many clothes from house.I already put her credit card in her purse and you can take it from her luggage..can you?
Kai:ohh..okey I'll bring her later but can I bring the others with me?
Mrs Park:of course you can..okey I have to end this conversation now and send my regards to Kyra..

"What is it Kai?"Suho ask "Do don't have to cook breakfast because we'll have it at the mall.Now I want all of you to get ready.Mrs Park told me to bring Kyra to buy her clothes and you guys have to follow me.Kyra do you want to change your clothes?"Kai ask and Kyra shook her head immediately. No one can see her precious body.

" you can wait at my room"Kai said "I don't want to stay at Kai's room..I want to stay at Suho's oppa room.Can I?"Kyra ask Suho "of course you can.."Suho answer and Kai sigh.

"It's okey Kai..take your time to be close with her.."Suho whisper to Kai before Kyra and him get into his room."I know but all of you already became close to her accept me and she don't even want to call me oppa.She call me with my name 'Kai'..what had I done to her?"Kai sigh for a few times before he change his shirt.

Poor our Kim Jongin.Just take your time to become close with her.I will always support you Kai!BTW..this is chapter four of Exo's Baby and I hope that all of you would enjoy it..

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