Hot topic / Chapter 4

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*Chloe's point of view*
I step outside of the cold gray building that I guess I should call "home" now. Even after hang posters it's still not feeling like home.
I'm going to the shops across the road because I've seen a video game store. I hop on my penny board and skate down to it. I don't buy anything because I notice hot topic across the street. I've never been in hot topic before but I've heard about it from My Digital Escape.
As I walk in I walk straight over to the band Merch to see a tall guy with messy blonde hair.
He looks familiar, well the back of his head anyway.
He turned around and I finally see his face. IT WAS BYRAN STARS byucyubgehribghireghbjrevbh.
"Hi" he said. He must of noticed me staring.
"Hi!" I said way to enthusiastically.
He smiled awkwardly.
"I haven't seen you in here before" he said
" I just moved here. I moved here with my mum so she can have some operation"
Why are you telling him this? I thought.
"I'm Bryan by the way" he smiled.
"I'm Chloe" I said as I watched Shannon walk up behind.
"This is Chloe" he said to Shannon.
"Hi" I smiled.
"She just moved here"
I could tell she was looking at my shirt.
"You're a fan?" She said
I was wear their Merch.
"Yeah" I blushed.
"Cool! Want to hang out?" She said.
"Come on it'll be fun!" Bryan said.
I honestly couldn't stop smiling as we walked out of the shop.
I was awkwardly holding my penny board as us three Emos walk down the street to the next shop were the rest of MDE was.
Thanks for 50 reads 🎉🎉🎉

Do you mind checking out my other stories😁
I have an Emo quiz and an Emo truth or dare😁

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