Finale part 3

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*Sia PoV

I was praying hard that she won't choose my first choice.

"I love all of the boys but I think I would fit best with Liam" Kayla announced.
Liam cheered up, after all she was chosen first. And felt kinda heart broken.

She went to him, held his hand and walked to the side where Marshall instructed them.
Is it bad that I was jealous.

Everyone turned their eyes to Candice, she closed her eyes perhaps to think and opened them smiling.
" I would like to say Harry!"
" pleasure's all mine dear " he said smiling.
Oh shit!! hazza!! I was praying for him.
Ohk I can't be jealous over all the boys.

"I choose Mia!!" Niall shouted.
Wtf just happened. Oh no! Oh No!
That means I'm with Louis and he does not like me at all so in short I'm going home in this round. Nooo. Shit.

" what the fuck was that Niall??" Louis screams at Niall.
" look I took her before anyone else would, we had only two winner so deciphering a method with next pair up might not ho in my favor so there you go." Niall tried to explain. He quickly came and took Mia by hand and stood aside.
Louis glared at me and I just stood there unable to say or do or move.
" I demand partner change!"
I anticipated this but my mouth flew open not able accept the rejection my eyes became watery. I was struggling hard to stop the tears. My breathing became uneven.
" Louis I warned you to not create trouble today." Simon said.

Everyone started reasoning with Louis and I thought the best thing you do was leave.
I turned and went outside and was thinking how to leave when I heard Ed call out my name.
"guys where is Sia?" Ed said.
" she would have went to the washroom. " Marshall said
" I hope she isn't crying. That would be really bad." Harry said.
"yeah, none of our girls should cry because of us." Liam said.
" she rarely cries. She is very strong." Marshall told. He knows me quite well.
"but where is she?" Mia said.
" guys I just checked the rooms and washroom. She is not there." Candice told.
That's when my phone rang. It was Marshall.

On impulse I started running, don't know where. When I reached the main road I found a café and went inside and ordered some donuts and ice cream.
I started eating hoping they won't find me. I switched off my phone.
The boy I fell for, okay one of the boys I fell for rejects to just sing a song with me, how bad was I. Maybe all of this was a bad idea. How stupid am I?
I should have known I'm good for nothing. I had loved these boys since they released their first song. It always felt like I was so close to them. They won't have a problem with me I was just another fan just a small little part of the fandom, just an innocent dedicated fangirl. But to them I was nothing why couldn't I see it. I made a blind mistake. Why would they welcome some random girl in their life just cuz of the management. I went outside after eating and started finding a place to sit down. I found myself running in all directions my head was throbbing and so was my heart so when I found a bench I lied down.

*Marshall PoV

Where is she. Where did she go? What happened? Did she really feel that bad about this? Oh god Louis what have you done.
Why won't she answer my Calls. Oh great now its switched off. What does she want!!

" Marshall we looked everywhere and we can't find her." Kayla said.
" hey we checked the parking and the area around the studio, we couldn't find her. We asked people the guard said he saw a girl with short hair running."Liam told me.
" so I guess......i don't know."Niall said.

I went to the judges " I seriously apologize on part of Sia. She sometimes is too unpredictable. I have to find her. I know what she did was stupid but she isn't so good at handling situations and can't handle rejection. Would you please excuse me cuz I have to find her. Whether she continues is your decision. I'm so sorry we have to halt this and take more of your precious time." I said. Wishing they would forgive her.
" oh Marshall cut out the crap professionalism and go. " Ed smiled.
" though what she did was very immature. Just leave like that! This is a professional platform and she must take care of small things." Katy said.
" yeah but she's good. And Louis can be a bit moody and tough so while we think of giving her a chance you go." Simon said.
I nodded and ran out to my black BMW. I was stopped by the boys.
" no. None of you are coming with me."
"but we wanna help." Liam said.
"you've helped enough."
"atleast let me make amends." Louis said, seemed like he regretted it.
"okay Louis. But you have to promise not to worsen it."
" then I will come too." Harry said.
"me too, I also have to apologize." Mia said.
" listen to me, none of you is coming you have to practice for the next round we must not waste any time and Sia is probably out cuz of her stupidity. And Mia I don't think there is anything to apologize about Sia is probably taking on all the blame she wasn't angry with you but with herself for caring about you when she just met you this morning."
"but I shouldn't have yelled at her and called her mom." Mia said.
I smiled "yeah she hates that but don't bring it up again. Okay I gotta hurry, Louis sit right now what are you waiting for." and drove in the direction the guard had told us.

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