Chapter 6-Finale part 1

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I'm going to write this in a few parts because it's damm long.

*Mia PoV

Today was the finale I was nervous and excited at the same time . Marshall had instructed me to reach the venue by 10. I was here by 9:45, I was the first one to arrive. I had gotten up early and groomed myself well so as to increase my chances but especially to please Niall, shit thinking about him makes me miss his laugh and the smile he gave me the day I meet the boys , just melts me to wax.
I wore my favourite red dress, with black pumps, had my long curly red hair lose falling way below my shoulders. I was just chatting with my best friend who was trying to calm me when I saw another cab pull up , a tall girl got out, I was already jealous of her height, dressed in crop top and hot pants, looking very sexy, she had brown eyes and had purplish hair, God any boy would give her one look and fall flat for her.
She came up to me ,smiled and asked " Have you been called her by Marshall?".
"Yes,are you here for the final audition as well?".
"No, I'm the judge ".
My face lost its expression ,a bit embarrassed I was thinking of competing her gave me cold feet let alone create an impression.

"Oh , don't look so afraid, I was just kidding" she started guffawing.
And her laugh so damm creepy.
Just from the corner another girl walked up. Dressed in a short jumpsuit, she had her dark blond hair tied up in a messy bun and looked really cute.

"Hello , may I know if this is where auditions for the fifth member taking place ?" She asked sweetly
"Yes of course. Don't you see us standing over here. Are you really one of the finalists?" The tall girl said looking her up and down. That was mean but I didn't say anything, the pretty girl looked embarrassed.
Ignoring the tall bitch I said" Hey, nice to meet you , you look really cute.I'm Mia, what's your name?"
"Thanks, I'm Candice, pleased to meet you. "She replied blushing.

That's when a limo turned up , the girl was dressed up in an expensive Prada dress, I had an eye for but didn't have enough money for, she had mid length golden hair all curled,she had diamonds everywhere around her, her purse , her ears , her bracelets and her belt, even her hair shimmered.
She looked like she owned a fashion brand with all her expensive accessories of all named brands and her dad was king of diamonds.
When I looked at Candice, I could say she was thinking the same and we did a mental laugh , but I couldn't control my laughter as it escaped my mouth. That triggered her as well.

"Hi, I'm Jenna , have you seen Marshall ?"she asked.
"No , I'm Kayla by the way"the tall girl replied.
"Is he seriously late, doesn't he like his job much!".Jenna said.
"Excuse me"Candice uttered confused.
"Oh, actually Marshall works under my dad , and so he better hurry up because it would be rude of him to arrive later than me"Jenna chuckled haughtily.
Looks like she has advantage of her father's position.

I saw another luxury car just pull up in the driveway, Marshall came out with a beautiful girl. She looked so different,her short brownish black hair, straight, her burnt caramel eyes, her chubby pink cheeks, her geeky specs, everything about her was do different yet fascinating.

"morning girls, I'm happy you guys arrived at time, the judges would be here like any minute,and the boys are still having their breakfast in the car." Marshall said, I looked at Candice and we both started giggling because we couldn't stop fangirling.

"Marshall you are seriously late, you made me wait so long, and who is this bitch with you?"Jenna asked eyeing the different girl up and down.
"Jenna I request you to talk to everyone here nicely, and I'm not late the boys were with their breakfast tantrums -" he was cut off mid sentence by this girl.
"I'm Sia, one of the girls you're going to compete with." she said confidently.
"Nice to meet you,I'm Mia and this is Candice and Kayla "I told her while she shakes our hands.

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