Finale final

19 2 4

*Sia PoV
Say it Marshall. Say my name. I gotta win it.
"and the person with highest scores is Sia! Congratulations dear." Marshall announced looking through the paper in his hand. I gave a little hop and fell in Louis arms who congratulated me and I did too. Others congratulated us.

"okay for the fourth round a quiz awaits you. " Marshall announced.
" and I -I mean we decided the fifth round to be a random skills round. Its about some random on the spot talents." Katy said but what? Its confusing!

"so girls here are your mics and to answer a question you must make a sound. Now tell me what your sound would be." Marshall said.
Kayla did a yo yo similar to that of Nicky Minaj. God she loves her so much.
I quickly whistled and Boys gave me amusing Looks. Mia went for a LALAla.
"Very well. So first question who had a dog named Loki?"
Three of us went off at the same time. Marshall signalled to Kayla.
"correct. Name the first released single of midnight memories?"
While I was thinking Mia LALAed.
"story of my life."
I whistled. " best song ever!"
" correct, name the song whose one line includes ' people say we shouldn't be together '"
We all the same time. Even Marshall didn't understand who went first, He looked at the judges and they signalled to Mia.
"they don't know about us."
"right. What is the name of the albums of one direction?"
I quickly whistled. " up all night. Take me home. Midnight memories and Four."
"right. Who has the least no of solos before Four?"
Hmm Louis or Niall. As I was coming to a decision.
"Niall " Kayla said.
"correct. Who wrote fireproof?"
"Liam!!" I screamed enthusiastically after whistling.
"right. Which song is not originally of 1D but a music video is released by them."
we were blank for 5 minutes looking at each other.
"oh ik ik one way or another. " I shouted out.
"that's right. So whose solo comes first in little white lies?"
MiaLALAed. "Liam?"
"correct. Which song is in demand as a single by the fans?"
Kayla did the yo yo. " No control? I heard it somewhere."
"didn't you know? We made all those edits and twitter trends and stuff." I blurted out. Got weird looks for that.
"no I didn't." She said.
"anyway that's correct. That is the end. Scores judges?"
"yeah I noted them down. So Kayla is 3, Mia is also 3 and Sia is 4. since its a tie we'll need a tie breaker. So the challenge I give is very easy you'll have to walk down the ramp in high heels. You guys clearly sing very well but as a lady you must be good at carrying yourself." Katy went on and on about womanly behavior and catwalk and how much work they'll have to do professionally. I had stopped listening after I felt it was all indicated to me. That's what happens everytime with girls who a tad bit less girly. Uff. After she was done the heels came in I was scared like hell I rarely wear high heels and I've frankly never worn that kind they like 7-8 inches. We chooses our sizes. Both of them quickly put them on while I was struggling I needed to sit to put them on. I was looking for chairs but all were occupied. I went where the boys were sitting and Harry got up to offer me his seat. I smiled so wide and started wearing them the others were trying out their walks. After five minutes of struggle I strapped in place and stood up only to tumble forward thankfully Harry caught hold of me from front and Louis held my hand whilst sitting.
"careful baby." Hazza coed. Louis laughed a bit.
"oh thankyou guys. I'm not good with heels and stuff. Frankly speaking I'm scared of them." I replied. Louis held my hand and elbow of the other hand and offered to help me practice.
Soon the girls were well practiced and I was stuck on short steps.
Kayla walked up first. She was marvelous like an actual model. She was handed a book to balance for second run but that ended up falling down.
Mia was great as well. Very sweet yet sexy. Her book fell within seconds.

"Remember confidence is everything here." Louis whispered.

I went head on with the task. As I was turning I ended up falling right on my butt. It hurt do bad and I was so embarrassed, everyone was trying to control their giggles Louis reached up to me and gave me a hand to stand up. Looking at everyone I ended up laughing loudly no one could hold it and joined me. I stood up laughing but slipped, shock registered but Louis saved me. He had his hand on my waist and other held my hand. I was staring in those dreamy eyes. I was flushed and so was Louis.
I turned around was the book.
"what are you doing? You just fell and got hurt. Don't risk it!" he said.
"I never quit Lou. Never."
I bowed down and tried from starting. Never left my stance and didn't let the book move let alone fall.
"Woho! Very well." I heard Louis say.

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