chapter four

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That night i couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned then laid on my back, staring at the stick on starts i had put on the celling as a kid. I smiled at the memories they gave me. It was amazing how everything i did, saw, or heard somehow reminded me of Lexie. I was missing her more than ever. I looked out the window at the tree branches flowing gracefully with the wind. They looked so free. I wish i was free.

Days passed. Haevyn and i heard no more about Lexie, and found little information that was actually useful. We began to loose hope. Still not knowing if Lexie was even alive, or where we could find her, left us sort of depressed. Even if we did set out to find her, where would we start? And if shes not actually alive, then did we basically waist a hole summer looking for someone that cant be found? No. I was sure about that. Weather we find Lexie or not, we still tried. And it could turn out to be a great adventure. Besides, what if we do find her? Then obviously ill be the happiest person in the world. Duh. But if we don't even attempt to find her, will i be left feeling guilty? Most likely yes. My mind was made up. Were going to find Lexie.

Thursday i finally got a message back from the girl. A whole three days later. But it was something. I read the message carefully, thinking about every word. The message gave Haevyn and i just the hope we were looking for. It said that Lexie did loose a sister nine years ago, her name was Raelee. The message also said where we could find her. I looked at the address. Texas. Great.

"Don't be upset Rae!" Haevyn said patting my back. It wasn't that i was upset exactly. It was that Texas was just so.. far. How the fruit loops did she get there?! Thats beyond me. But at least now we knew where she was. Thats a start, right?

"So now we know where she is. Now what?" Haevyn asked. I wasn't really sure what to do next. We found out where Lexie is, and what she looks like. There wasn't too much left that we could do except wait for the school year to end and our journey to begin.

"Lets figure out directions." I said as i pulled up Google Maps. Then, i typed in my address and Lexie's address. Lexie live approximately 1,750 miles away from me. About one day to drive there. Not including stops for food and sleeping. So how long it would take to walk there was beyond me. At least we had a GPS. We couldn't get lost... unless it rained or something or it ran out of batteries. I shuddered at the thought of getting lost in the middle of nowhere.

"You okay?" Haevyn asked, interrupting my thoughts. i jumped. "What.. oh yeah. Im fine." I smiled weekly. "Alrighty then. Tomorrows the last day of school, then we set off on our trip. Lets get packed!" She smiled warmly and leaped up from the couch, bounding into the kitchen. Her eyes scanned the food pantry excitedly.

"WHAAATTTT?!!" Haevyn suddenly screamed. "Uhh what?" I wasn't sure what she was 'WHAAATTTTing' about. "RAELEE YOU HAVE NO NUTELLA WHATS WRONG WITH YOU OMG WE CANT GO ON A JOURNEY TO NOWHERE WITH NO NUTELLA!!!" She started hyperventilating. I put my hand to my head. Facepalm. "Relax Haev. Well get some before we leave. No need to convert oxygen into carbon dioxide that quickly." "Phew!" She said relieved. Then she stopped and thought. "OMG YOU NERRDDD!!" Facepalm again. Was i really going on a 1750 mile journey with...that...

The last day of school came and went quickly and i soon found myself sitting on Haevyn's roof listening to the muffled sound of the band playing in the living room. I sighed relieved that school was finally over and i could just relax out here. I loved being on Haevyn's room. It was peaceful. Calming music below me and beautiful shining stars above me. It was like everything in the world left talking all my worries with it and i let my thoughts drift away. Somehow, whenever i sat out here i felt closer to Lexie as if we were wishing apon the same star. I felt free. Free from everything. Free from all the hurt my dad did to me long ago, free from the hurt my mom often gives me, free from the stress of school. Just completely free. It felt beautiful.

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