chapter nine

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It looked like a man sitting there in a striped black and white jail suit. Did this guy just escape from jail?! I wasnt about to find out. "Im gunna go see what it is!" Haevyn whisper-yelled and crept forwards. My heart was beating so fast and loud i felt like you could hear it for miles. I stayed back, i wasnt prepared to get attacked or anything. Haevyns stronger than me. She shined the light from her phone at the man. Then walked even closer. "Hey Raelee, you can come now. Its not a man. iys just a plant!" I came out and laughed sort of embarrassed. Thank God it wasnt a person though. "Rae how are we going to know which way to go.." Haevyn whined. "Hm.." i said looking up at the sky. "Well its not storming anymore. Maybe the GPS will work now." Sure enough, it did.

After only a short time of walking Haevyn and i decided to go to sleep. We found a tree and remade our makeshift tent. I laid down next to Haevyn and sighed. This trip was pretty fun. "Raelee" She whispered. "Yeah?" "Tell me another story" I sighed and smiled. "Ok so once apon a time, there was a little girl. She was royalty, a princess. But she was had a nasty personality and was rude to everyone. One day everyone started being mean back to her and she didnt like it at all. She wished that everyone would just disappear. Later that day she was walking through town and pointing at people. She soon discovered that whoever she pointed

to, disappeared. So she pointed at everyone. People disappeared by the hundreds, thousands. Until she was the very last person on earth. At first she was happy, but quickly saddened as she realized what she did. The little girl began to weep and take back her wish. But it didnt become undone." "So, whats the lesson?" "Oh nothing. i Just felt like making a story where everyone dies." I said grinning. "Mhm sure. Now really, whats the lesson?" Haevyn said smiling and rolling her eyes. "Theres a few. One being treat people how you want to be treated. Another being be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it all." Haevyn smiled and yawned. "Night Rae." she whispered.

A few days later Haevyn and i were about halfway to Texas. Traveling the back way was longer, but avoided people so was safer. I heard the rumble of a car coming down the road and was surprised to see Bobby and Jeremy's hippy bus nearing. I nudged Haevyn. "Look whos coming our way.." She just grinned. This time they didnt stop but slowed down. Bobby stuck his head out the window. He had a microphone in his hand and licked it. "NANANANANANNANANANANA LALALALALALAL SNIFF ITTTTT!!" He yelled holding it out. I burst out laughing and Jeremy popped out a different window saying "DONT FORGET THE BACCOOONNNNN!" Haevyn bent over laughing. "I wonder whos driving the bus if their both out the window.." i said thinking out loud. "Really Raelee. Really. At a time like this you think about that. Not about the funny stuff?! Totally ruined the moment. Totally." She put her hands up and walked off shanking her head. I laughed and ran to catch up to her.

Suddenly i realized i didnt have the GPS anymore. "Uhm Haev, do you have the GPS by any chance?"

'Please say yes please say yes please say yes' i begged in my mind.

"Uhh no i thought you did.."

'Son of a female dog.'

"No Haevyn.. thats why i was asking you." Haevyn stopped dead in her tracks. "You mean to tell me we lost it Rae?! I gulped and nodded. Her eyes widened. "Oh no.."

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