chapter five

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I woke up soaked. I sat up and looked around. The birds were chirping and Haevyn looked so peaceful sleeping next to me. Too bad that was about to change. "Haevynnnnnn wake upppppp.." I whined and poked her side. "EEKKKKK!!" She exclaimed as she leaped up. "Why did you wake me up!! I was dreaming about cute zombies!!" "Darlin' it must of rained last night after we fell asleep out here. Come inside." She stretched yawning. "Woof.. why did you let me sleep on the roof. My back hurrtttss!" "Haev, stop complaining and just come inside. Lets get started on our journey." "Ugh fine." She sighed and followed me inside. Today was the day our journey would officially begin. We packed bags full of extra clothes and blankets. Then we packed a bag filled with food and water bottles. I hope what we have is enough. We have little money for emergencies.

After getting dressed and finishing packing the bags with small random stuff that might come in handy, Haevyn and I slipped on our good walking shoes, grabbed the back packs full of our stuff, ad left. We had out phones, for emergency only, and a GPS to lead the way. I also have a map incase our GPS fails us, and knowing my luck, that will happen.

We walked for hours. "Im hungry!" Haevyn complained. I couldn't blame her. I was hungry too. Only i didnt want to stop to eat. But i guess you cant walk without having energy.. I sighed. "Alright Haev. Lets go eat under that nice tree." I said pointing to a large oak tree. It provided alot of shade, with its long limbs outstretched and covered with leaves. Haevyn reached up and grabbed a handful of green leaves and sniffed them wildly. "MMMM.... oxygennn..." I just stared at her. Absolutely no comment what so ever. I made nutella sandwiches and we ate some fruit then quickly got back to walking. A few more hours past and night began to fall. Haevyn yawned sleepily and i yawned in agreement. "Hey haev, lets stop for tonight. Im beat. Haevyn just looked at me. "Silly Raelee, your not beat up. But that could be arranged...." She looked mischievous. I couldnt help but laugh and push her playfully. "Where should we sleep" I asked scanning the landscape around us. There wasnt too much to look at really. Lots of grass and a few lonely trees. "Oh i know!" Haevyn exclaimed. "What?" "See that tree over there? we could totally make a fort underneath it." So we walked over go the tree and i unpacked all our blankets and pillows. I draped a blanked over a low hanging tree branch and it made a perfect tent. Haevyn and I worked together to spread out a few blankets to lay on the put our pillows inside our makeshift tent too. "Really Rae, you brought Eddie?" She giggled holding up my stuffed dragon. "Of course i did. i cant sleep without him." I snatched Eddie from her and shot her a look. "Come on Haevyn lets get to sleep." I crawled into the tent and wrapped myself up in blankets. Mmnn.. cozy. Haevyn crawled in next to me and did the same. For a few moments we both just stared at each other, half smiling. Then Haevyn broke the silence. Not a surprise. "Raelee, you cant expect me to go to sleep without a bed time story." I sighed and rolled my eyes laughing softly. Ever since we met, ive told her a bedtime story before we go to sleep. "Well.." I started off. "Once apon a time, there was a blanket named Albert. One day, Albert decided he didnt want to be a blanket anymore. So, he went to the pillow factory. Where he was made into a pillow. Soon Albert was bought by a rich family. He was so happy. Until he met the kids.. they used him for a pillow fight and beat the feathers out of him. Albert decided he didnt want to be a pillow anymore so he went to the blanket factory. The end." "Why feathers?" Haevyn asked. "Why not feathers?" I grinned. "Feathers are weird." "Maybe he was a feather pillow." I debated. "So, whats the lesson of the story?" She always knew my stories had a 'lesson' to them. "Well. Always be yourself. No mater what because you are the best you. But dont be afraid to try new things. But dont change for anyone." I smiled at her and she smiled back and closed her eyes. I closed my eyes. "Night." I whispered. "Night."

[sorry my chapters arnt that long. this is more of a short story i guess. writing long chapters is hard for me. ill most likely have alot of chapters though. maybe that will make up for my short chapters? i dont know haha.]

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