Chapter 5- For A Thousand Years~

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"I've been in love with the same woman for forty-one years. If my wife finds out, she'll kill me."

-Henny Youngman

My first thought when my eyes saw Mount Olympus was," Honestly, those silver palace walls are major overkill." I am serious! The whole thing was covered with silver and the turrets are lined with diamonds that dazzle so brilliantly that can give you instant visual impairment if you are not careful enough. Only one word can describe this. Extravagant.

Shimmering in the wind, you can say it looks like a mirage, a very solid mirage. However, I realised that looking at the walls was only part of this extravagance. If I screwed up my eyes and look at it carefully enough, it was indeed hovering just above your line of vision. Magic hummed and buzzed as the magic worked to keep the building afloat. That will give you a whole new definition of building a castle in the air. Creative writing teachers who dare to challenge me? Challenge accepted. I, Adventus will prove to you that castles can indeed be build in the skies.

However, for some reasons, there was no one on the streets which even you would find weird even if you had never seen it before. Otherwise, why would there be even streets here? I mean, what is the use of such enormous streets if no crowd tramples over it? Even Hestia was frowning as well.

"Where are all the people?" Hestia asked, getting off her donkey which look remarkably bored.

"Should I know the answer then?"I replied, my foxes staring in awe.

Hestia frowned for a moment and quite startlingly, gasp loudly. "Oh Gods, Of Olympus...

[Dear readers, you have just: lost your internet connection, Category 136 Section(iii) [Insert Issue Here] due to: godly cursing, Section 68 Of the Wattpad Restriction Code of Unapproved Behaviour Part (iv) [Insert Reason of issue here]. May we please take this chance to remind you again that some curse words have magical powers that could make you lose your internet connection just like what is happening. Right now, 5,000,000 people around the world had lost their internet connection at the moment. You will be reconnected shortly after the rant. Please do not request for a voice authentication as this is an automatic, computer generated message. Thank you for your attention.]

"Hestia, I should really wash your mouth inside out." I said calmly.

"Shut up Adventus, follow me QUICK! NO QUESTIONS!" She snapped, grabbing me by my ear and tore up the street like a raving lunatic, her lush hair whipping behind her. Best part was, I got whacked by that metal cage of the Phoenix and it had woken on the wrong side of bed this morning. Our animal companions are now chasing behind us.

"Hey! What is the big idea!?"I yell indignantly as she threw me inside a small modest cottage sitting at the outskirt of Mount Olympus.

"Oh my sacred hearth, if I am late, Hera will be dying to kill me! And Demeter as well."

"Hello, hello, this is the NASA Ground control to the outer space monkeys, WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" I raised my voice to match hers and rolling my eyes at the same time. If one day, I were to be found dead for unknown reasons, on the epitaph, it shall be written: Hestia Was The Death Of Me.

"Today," Hestia said, spreading her arms out in an abysmal attempt to be dramatic,"is Hera and Zeus anniversary!"

I gave her another eyeroll. Honestly? If we are expected to remember Zeus and Hera's anniversary every year then, we would be expected to remember Poseidon and Amphitrite's Anniversary AND Hades and Persephone's Anniversary. That is 3 anniversary to remember and please follow up, by multiplying the multiple affairs that the 3 brothers had: Io, Semele, Europa, Thetis, countless nymphs and even more, I guess, there will come a day where there is 2 anniversaries in 1 day. Oh and I forgot about the other gods and goddesses. AND.... you know what, let's not think more about this. Or else, I will be sick.

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