Chapter 9

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Patricia's POV

I walked upstairs to my room that me, Joy, and KT shared. I didn't want to sleep with KT in the same room after what had happened. I walked in to see Joy and KT were already in there. I walked over to my bed and laid down.

"Hey where were you" asked Joy.

"Just downstairs with Eddie" I said. KT gave me a glare.

"Ok good night" said Joy

"Good night" I said back.

Eddie's POV

I was worried about Yacker sleeping in the same room as KT. I am just going to hope no one gets hurt. Joy was in there with them anyways that way if they fight hopeful Joy will stop it.

Patricia's POV

I woke around 2:30 am. I had tears in my face. I hadn't cried since Joy went missing and that was a long time ago. I had just had a nightmare about KT, Denby, and Frobisher. I wonder why if Frobisher was gone and Denby was normal again. In the nightmare KT had glowing grayish eyes( A/N

I changed the color of the eyes) and she was trying to get me to do something but I can't remember what it was. All I wanted to do was run downstairs and cuddle with Eddie.I  don't know why I felt so scared I have never felt like this.

I couldn't take it anymore I quietly opened the door and quietly ran past Victor's office  down to Eddie and Fabian's room.

Eddie's POV

I heard a knock on the door. Who could it be so late. I hate being woke up by somebody. Fabian didn't get so I did. I opened the door to see Yacker standing there. She had tear stains in her face. I had never seen her cry. She only express her feelings with me and Joy.

"Eddie" she said and ran into my arms. I hated it when people wake me up but it was Yacker so I DID NOT CARE AT ALL!!! 

"Yacker are you ok" I asked concern as  I rubbed her back.

"Yea it was just--" she got cut off by Fabian.

"Guys what's wrong" Fabian asked getting up and closing the door so Victor won't hear us.

"Nothing....I..just...came to...visit Eddie" Patricia said stuttering.

"Really this late Patricia" Fabian said getting back on his bed.

"Yacker come with me" I said walking out.


A/N so how was it. Sorry I haven't been on the app was not working and I like writing my story's from my iPod.

I have a question that is totally of topic. Do any of you listen to BTR ( big time rush) if you do do you think the song worldwide describes peddie when Eddie is in America and Patricia is in the UK? Please tell me!! Thanx

Please comment




~ sibuna

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