Chapter 2

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Katy's POV

I'm being awoken by a small lady who looks to be in her mid 40's and she is slightly shaking my arm. All of the memories from last night rush back to me and so does the pain in my head. Well actually on my eyebrow. I must have been seeing things from the loss of blood last night because I thought I saw Zayn Malik helping me up! That's ridiculous. I laugh quietly but not quiet enough because the nurse gives me a confused look.

"What?" She asked thinking it was her who made me laugh.

"Oh it's just that last night before I blacked out I thought I saw one direction there for me! Ridiculous right?" I said shaking my head at how stupid that was. She just gave me a small suspicious smile and ignored what I said. She began telling me about what happened to me while I was blacked out.

"Well we had to give your 3 stitches just above your eyebrow but we needed you to stay the night just in case you passed out again. Do you live alone?" She said all a bit to fast but I managed to pick up the last question.

Oh my gosh I completely forgot about Kate! She must be freaking out! I should phone her once the nurse has left to let her know i'm ok.

"Oh um no I live with my best friend." I said coming back to reality. "Is it ok if I call her now?" I asked hoping she would say yes.

"Yes that's fine just make she knows that the visiting hours are 11am-8pm. Let me know if you need anything." She said before getting up off the end of my bed, flashing me a smile and walking out clutching her clipboard to her chest.

I turned around and started to fish my phone out of my bag so I could ring Kate and let her know where I am and that she can visit me today if she wasn't busy. I unlocked my phone and saw that I had 10 text messages from her and 9 missed calls. Whoops. I pressed call and waited for 3 rings until she picked up.

"Hello?" I asked trying to sound oblivious to last night.

"Katy is that you?" Kate practically screamed down the phone.

"Err yeah it's me how are you?"

"Where the fuck have you been? I've been calling and texting you all last night! You never came back home and I've been worried sick about you!" She yelled.

"Kate look i'm sorry I didn't tell you where I was but listen to me, I kind of had an accident last night..." I trailed of expecting more yelling and anger coming through the other end of the phone but she was actually calmer than I thought.

"What happened are you ok? Where are you?"

"I had an accident after work and I passed out. I has to be taken to hospital and given 3 stitches above my eyebrow. they said I had to stay over night in case I passed out again. You can visit me at 11am if you're free this morning."

"Oh my gosh i'm sorry I didn't mean to get angry but yeah I will come for 11 since its 10 now. See you in a bit Katy LOVE YOUUU!!" she screamed the last bit down the phone and hung up. Gosh she is weird, but you've got to love her craziness!

Well I guess now I have an hour to pass but there is nothing to do in here, not even a TV! What hospital room doesn't have a TV come on! There is a magazine on the table beside me so I guess I'll read that to pass some time. I reach over to grab the magazine and see that it is todays date so take a look. On the front was one Direction, of course they are the worlds biggest boy band why wouldn't they be on the front! Wait...

The magazine title above a paparazzi picture of them says 'One Direction seen down alley way in the streets of London with an ambulance approaching them'. Maybe it really was Zayn who I saw when I fell to the floor. No, no, no it can't be Katy that's such a stupid thing to think, why would One Direction be down an alley way? With me?

I kept reading the article...

The Famous boy band One Direction were seen down an alley way in London, after they were frantically trying to escape from a mob of fans AKA 'Directioners' in a fancy restaurant on their night out. Paparazzi caught a couple of pictures of the boys with a ambulance. Who was hurt? We don't know if it was one of the members or a fan but we did see someone in Zayn Malik's arms. The pictures that were taken weren't clear enough to tell whether or not it was a boy or girl, but they were taken away in an ambulance and were sure One Direction weren't far behind!

I dropped the magazine and my eyes grew wider with every sentence that I read. That sounds a lot like what happened to me last night, but then again anyone could have been hurt in an alley way with One Direction, right? I was so shocked at the coincidence that I hadn't even noticed my door open. Before I turned my gaze to the door I quickly glanced at the clock to see it was exactly 11am. Was I really reading that article over and over again for 1 hour? Wow.

I then snapped my head around toward the open door to see that Kate was standing there. Of course Kate was on time, she hates being late, plus I think she was excited to see me!

"KATY OH MY GOD ARE YOU OK?!" Trust Kate to be over reactive about people who are hurt!

"I'm fine honestly, I just had to have a few stiches above my eye brow but nothing serious!"

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