Chapter 3

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Katy's POV

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. I looked over at Kate and saw her doing exactly the same thing. Well we look like desperate losers in front of them...who's them you might ask? Well in my hospital room with me and Kate right now is ONE DIRECTION!!!!! cool...breathe.....OMG!!

"Um h-hi?" I said sounding like a twat in front of them. I couldn't take me eyes away from one in particular though...Zayn. What was it about him that I just felt the need to stare at him all day?

"Hello!!" Louis chimed.

They all walked in further and all of their eyes were on my body and some of them had amused looks in their eyes.

That's when it hit me....I am only wearing an ugly hospital gown with no back on it, so for all I know my bum could be showing to the biggest boy band in the world...shit...that's just fab! (Notice my sarcasm, I do that a lot!)

I quickly pulled the thin bed sheet over my body earning a chuckle from Zayn. Wow that chuckle was hot. What? Snap out of it Katy RIGHT NOW!! I need to keep telling myself that they are just a snobby arrogant boy band that flirt with every girl that looks their way.

"So love..." Liam said. He called me love! "We are here to say that we are really sorry about last night."

Last night? I never met them last night. Or maybe I was right, I was that girl in the magazine!

"That was you guys?" I asked calmly. Yes that's right I spoke to One direction does she do it, we will never know!

"Woah woah wait!" Niall said. "It wasn't actually all of us! It was only one person. Isn't that right Zayn?" Everybody's eyes landed on Zayn and his eyes looked in mine with guilt clearly showing through that adorable puppy look he is giving me.

"Oh yeah I am so sorry I never meant to hit you, I was just pushing the door open quickly to get away from crazy fans that were surrounding the entrance of the restaurant. Please can you forgive me?" He pleaded me.

So it was really Zayn last night that had me in his arms. The group of girls outside the restaurant were there for One Direction. It all makes sense now. My thoughts were abruptly interrupted my a hard elbow into my ribs from Kate. I looked over at her and she glared at me, signalling me to answer Zayn. I guess I was thinking for a while.

"Oh yeah, sorry." I awkwardly laughed. "Of course I forgive you, accidents happen, it's cool." I said as if having the worlds biggest boy band in my hospital room was no big deal.

"No it's not ok. You passed out, lost a lot of blood and had to have stitches because of me. I am truly sorry! How can I repay you?" Zayn said and he was now right by my side next to the bed I was currently sat on.

"Look Zayn I'm fine. You don't need to repay me." I said lost in his beautiful hazel eyes.

"But I want to." Was all he said before dragging a big man out of the room with them. I'm guessing that he was their security guard by the way he was dressed and stood.

Zayn's POV

I dragged Paul outside so I could talk to him about repaying this girl. I feel quite bad since I don't actually know her name yet! He looked at me confused as to why I dragged him out here.

"Paul can I ask you something?" I asked hopefully.

"Err sure what is it mate?" He replied a bit unsure of what was coming.

"Well I said I wanted to repay the girl back.." I started but was cut off by Paul "Her name is Katy" He said. "Oh right ok, well you know I want to repay Katy?" I trailed off waiting for a reply.

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