Chapter 4

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Zayn's POV.

She turned around to get her phone off of the table next to the bed and as she did so her hospital gown got pulled up with it. I couldn't help but laugh quietly to myself at this because she has no clue that her bum is on show to me! I don't mind, but I think she would! My laugh obviously wasn't quiet enough because she snapped her head round and caught me looking at her bum. Well this just got awkward for the both of us! Katy quickly tugged the bed sheet over her and double checked that she was covered before turning back around to get her phone. She just faced the wall for a minute and her back was turned to me. I was starting to get worried that she was really upset that I laughed at her. Well I wasn't laughing at what I saw, I was only laughing at the fact that she was oblivious to it. Plus, she looked cute when she blushed.

I could just about see a single tear drop roll down her pink cheek. Is she crying? No shit Zayn of course she is crying, why else would tears fall from her eyes. I never knew that she was so insecure about her body. There is no need to be because she has a beautiful body. I can't believe I made her cry. Do I comfort her and make a big fuss in front of everybody or do I just leave her to compose herself again. No I will be supportive and apologize but not in front of everybody, only quietly to her.

"Katy?" I whispered and placed my hand on her shoulder.

She slowly turned around with her phone in her hand and her head hung low to try and hide the fact that she now had tears streaming down her face. I feel so bad!

"Here." She said bluntly and handed me her phone.

"Katy, I am so so sorry I never meant to make you cry. I wasn't laughing at you I promise. just please, please don't cry." I pleaded hoping for any sign of forgiveness.

"I'm fine. I'm just weak. You don't have to stay here, you can go if you want. I understand." She said barely audible.

"No, no your not weak at all. I am just so sorry. I don't want to leave you yet. Please forgive me?" I asked now desperate.

"No it's not your fault, but if it makes you feel any better, yes I forgive you. You seriously don't have to stay since you probably have your famous lives to get back to." She said with no emotion what so ever.

That hurt me. She said that we could get back to our famous lives. We have dealt with this kind of attitude from people before but from her that really stung and I don't know why. I'm definitely not leaving this hospital until I have her number, I also hopes she is still coming to our party with Kate tomorrow.

Katy's eyes were now dry but they were red from crying. Everyone was looking at us and I guess they heard the whole conversation. Kate looked at me kind of angry but with sorry eyes. She mouthed a quick "Don't worry" to me and looked at Katy. Liam stood up and faced me.

"I think we should go. We have bothered them long enough." He sighed. "I'm sorry for bothering you girls." He said to Katy and Kate.

I guess Liam is right. I've already made a girl cry in the space of about half an hour. We all looked around the room awkwardly before we stood up to leave. I looked over at Katy and saw Kate by her side chatting. She didn't look as upset but she was still a little insecure and embarrassed. Kate saw me looking at them and she gave me another apologetic smile. I simple nodded in response and followed the boys out of the room. I just remembered that I never did get her number and I'm not leaving without it. I don't know what it was about her that I liked but she is definitely going to see more of me.

The boys hadn't noticed me stop and they made their way out of the main doors so I took this as my chance to turn back around and go get her phone number. I walked in to see only Katy casually sat on the edge of her bed looking down at her phone, probably texting someone. I cleared my throat so she noticed my presence in the room. Her head snapped up and her gaze met mine. I got lost in her beautiful dark brown eyes for a second that I forgot what I came here for.

"Oh did you forget something?" She asked sweetly. I guess she's not mad anymore!

"Yeah actually, I forgot to get your number. Can I still have it please?" I asked.

"Oh yeah sorry I forgot too! Here lets put our numbers in." She said handing me her phone.

I put my number in her phone and saved it as 'Zayn'. Not very creative but she can change it if she wants. I handed back her phone and looked at her contact. She was saved as 'Katy' so I'm glad I wasn't the only non creative person here! I sent her a text saying 'Its Zayn! :) x' and she instantly replied saying 'Really? I thought it would have been Louis! ;) x'

"Well I could stay here and talk all day to you Katy but unfortunately I have to go. The boys will be wondering where I am. Hope you can come tomorrow!" I said standing up to leave.

"Aww! Don't leave me here!" She whined like a 6 year old.

"Where's Kate?" I asked now realizing she has been gone the whole time I've been back.

"Oh she went to the café to get us some drinks but she text me saying there was a bit of a queue so she will be here in a bit." She said checking her phone for any messages.

"I'm sorry I have to go but I will hopefully see you tomorrow. Again I am really sorry for last night and earlier." I said truly sorry for what happened.

"That's ok all is forgiven!" She chirped.

"Cool thanks. See you later." And with that I gave her a quick peck on the cheek and left the room with a huge grin on my face.

She is so pretty, even without make up and brushed hair, I felt that weird feeling inside of me when I gave her that kiss on her cheek. I can't believe the effect she has on me and I only met her properly today! It is going to be a long wait until tomorrow...but it will be worth waiting for.


The last line was cheesy but I felt the need to say the title somewhere in that paragraph! Hope you like it so far, keep reading!


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