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—In the beginning, Adam walked the Earth with his first wife Lilith

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—In the beginning, Adam walked the Earth with his first wife Lilith.


THE CAR CAME to a stop and my mom grinned, grabbing Jackson's hand as she looked towards me and squeaked in excitement, "We're here!"

I faked a boxy smile and Jackson patted my knee reassuringly with his large hand but it only made me uncomfortable so I scooted over in my seat, away from him and my mom.

The large man looked like a mix between Wolverine and a golden retriever with his big blue eyes and oversized canines that were evident whenever he smiled (and boy did he smile a lot) and his thick head of curly blonde hair was always so messy that mom hadn't stopped trying to fix it the whole drive here.

To be honest, I can't even remember how we got here. One moment the car was going through a tunnel and the next I woke up in Seacrest, the most woodsy town on Earth. Even Satin Ridge, despite being a relatively small town, had huge malls and countless attractions to keep you from going insane.

Here, all I could see so far was trees, a house or two, winding roads, and even more trees. Though, for some reason, it was starting to feel like a place from a half-remembered dream.

Jackson was looking at Mom in such an obviously lovestruck way that it made me curl my lip, cringing internally.

Ugh, romance.

If I had a dollar for all the divorces I've witnessed in my seventeen years on this Earth, I'd have more money than my rich stepdad did- which, now that I look at his tailored suit, was probably a lie.

Still, I've seen more divorces than the average teenager and they all happened because dumb adults like these two couldn't resist "the call of the loins", as Karma and I so like to call the reason humans haven't gone extinct, which made it possible for me to be here, judging everyone who listened to their bodies and answered that wretched call.

Even thinking about it made me want to throw up in my mouth.

Karma liked to joke that I never got over being told boys had cooties in elementary and she may be right since there wasn't a single boy that I'd given a chance in all my years living in Satin Ridge.

Who is this Karma I keep talking about?

My very best friend and the only person who knows that I cried at the end of Frankenstein.

The book.

No, we're not going to talk about it.

Actually, maybe we should, because see, I hate reading more than probably anyone else in the entire world and you might think I'm exaggerating, but I'm really not.

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