Chapter 1- Pinky Promise

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Chapter 1

Pinky Promise

Everyone has a best friend. I'm lucky enough to have two. Sabrena and Fiza. We have double the fun, double the help, and double the love. Yeah i know its corny to say but "Two is Better than One".

We've been friends since as long as we can remember and we can't go a day without talking to each other. We might be different in some ways but hey, we complement each other. But it wasn't always us three. We used to be four best friends. In total. A quad. Sabrena, Fiza and I.... and...Marie. We were all best friends.

Then, one day. We grew up.

*Flashback to a year and a half ago*

Tick-Tocking of the clock.

Click clacking if the key board.

Were the only sounds I heard. It was too quiet. I tapped my foot as if it would make time go by faster. The secretary at the desk stopped her brisk typing to stare at my black sandaled foot and cleared her throat rather loudly. I took that as a cue to stop but continued to roll my eyes. Yeah yeah. I guess my teemage attidude is finally kicking in now that i'm

13. Though Instead I badly wanted to get up and start tap dancing just to annoy the heck out of her. But that wouldn't help me much with the interview I'm here for.

I was always really smart. Since elementary school. I didn't really take extra time to study or something I just always did my work and payed attention. Not exactly Rocket Science.

The other day when I got called down to the principal, I nearly had a heart attack. No I'm not a goodie goodie, I just never did anything that bad or got caught. I remember the sigh of relief when the pointy nosed principal told me I wasn't in trouble. I wasn't being challenged. So they told me I'd be interviewed by the high school guidance counselor to see if I could skip 8th grade straight to 9th. I was so happy. I always hated being the only one in middle school while My best friends Sabrena and Fiza were in 9th grade and Marie was in 10th. Now I might join them!

I looked around the room. White ceilings, white tiles. Corkboard across the wall. Pictures and newspaper pieces plastered across them. Pictures of sports teams, seniors, student of the year. I cane across a picture of 15 students. The photo read "Ceramics 1". I recognized The red tipped black hair of Fiza, the Dark brown layered hair of Sabrena and the long Dark Cinammon colored hair of Marie. Their faces were spotted with brown specks of clay as were their dirty smocks. Their hands completely covered in who knows what. Their faces covered with guilty grins. See. They always have fun. I bet they started the whole clay fight.

High school's when the fun begins. New friends, new people, crushes, new chances. Everything Speaking of crushes, We all talked about our tiny little crushes on the cuties of the school. Marie has her eyes on some senior blonde cutie, Sam, which we thought was way out of her league. But she's Marie. When would she listen? And Sabrena thought this guy in her English class, Manny, that she talks to a lot, is really nice and good looking. Those are her exact words.

Fiza had her eyes on someone too.she has for a year now. She liked this boy, Shane. From her Computer class. They both sat next to each other. She had liked him for a long time. We all that it would fade after a month. But she proved us wrong. She liked him more and more every day. We could tell by the way shed light up at the Mention of him.

I for one couldn't tell whether I liked someone or not. Sometimes I tried just finding a boy I thought was good looking and told them I liked him but honestly, I didn't. I guess I didn't find someone I was attracted to yet. Oh well. I'm only Thirteen.

"Laila Swift" my eyes snapped me out of my thoughts and the picture towards Mrs. "Annoyed easily. "

"Yup?" I popped the 'p' and arched my eyebrow.

"Mr. Little the Guidance Counselor Is ready to see you. Head down to room B113" she said as she handed me visitors pass. My sweaty palms grabbed the pass and I opened TGE door to the hallway. This school is like a labyrinth. I caught sight of the room next to me 'B98' I was near. Thank god right now the hallways were clear. My hands began shaking my already clammy palms because i was very nervous. Not only for the interview but also cause of everything I hear about high school. The kids. The bullies. I shuddered. Call me paranoid.

I turned right at the corner lined with Maroon lockers. I'm guessing Maroon meant 'B hallway'. I passed a couple of weird looking teens and teachers. My sped increased from their stares at me.

I heard a loud BANG! Coming from the hallway behind me.

Me, being a scaredy cat, thought there was one of those scary teen shootings that they always show on the news, going on and I ran. I noticed a wooden door on ky left woth no room number next to it n jumped inside. A closet.

My breathing became heavy and my eyes were still closed as I leant my back against the now closed door. My heart was hammering in my chest. I didn't even start high school and I'm already going to DIE! I slid to the ground and landed with a thud

Only then when I opened my eyes. I saw someone's eyes. Wide, schocked, and scared eyes. I'd know those grey eyes anywhere, Marie?!. I sighed knowing that I wasn't the only one that got scared and ran. Immediately a smile was on my face. It seened rather forced. I was about to greet her when I realized something. Her hair was a mess and her lips we're slightly swollen. Oh god was she hurt? I swear I'll kill this kid- wait. Why are her arms around someone? No wait, not a someone, a him. OMG! She was getting steamy with Sam! I can't believe it! Wait till the others find out. Wait, But Sam's hair was blonde. This kid had dark disheveled hair. Whats going on?

"What the.." the "him" turned around.

My jaw hit the floor and my heart stopped. Then my heart sank. For my best friend. I'd know his face anywhere. I was shown his face way too many times to not recognize it. Even in the dim light of the closet. Millions of questions asked ran through my mind. All from one voice. The many times I was asked whether his eyes were the prettiest blue eyes I've ever seen. Whether his hair was the hottest it could be or whether they would make a cute couple or not. And the biggest question of them all... whether he would ever like her back. Whether Shane... would ever like Fiza back. Marie didn't even say a thing as I opened the door and walked out.

My interview went great. , I got what I wanted. I was moved into the ninth grade and was able to go to school with my TWO best friends. You heard me. Marie had broken Fiza's heart and trust. We even gave her some time to apologize or something but she just continued hanging with Shane. She claimed to all of her friends she was in love. She was always clinging to his arm and following him like a love sick puppy. It disgusted me how she didn't even care that she broke her best friend's heart and she STILL stuck with the dude. I couldn't even be excited about it. I couldn't squeal to my friends about what classes we would have or what clubs we should sign up for. No. We were betrayed. Fiza was broken hearted. That was the first person she liked so much. she was hurt. It's going to be so hard for her to trust anyone else. Or even like someone else. She's never going to let anyone else In! Shane was just a user. She realized that now.

For a few days, we were all a mess. We didn't hang out like we used to, we became dull and sad. We didn't have fun and laugh as often. It was like we were strangers again, I didn't want that. I didn't want to lose all three of my best friends in one week. Losing one was enough.I was so excited to go to high school, but I didn't even get to enjoy it with my friends.

That weekend, I forced both Sabrena and Fiza into my house. I decided in order to prevent this all happening again; we need to make some changes

"Sit" I told them two. They listened and sat down robotically on my purple bed.

"Okay, I want my two best friends back. But first. We need to make some promises so this never happens again!" they all nodded still confused.

"okay, we have to promise two things. One: : we will never become like those lovesick girls that get whipped and are willing to do anything for 'love' as they call it. And the Two: and most important rule: we will never ever EVER let a guy come between us and ruin our friendship. "I stated while putting my pinky up.

"Pinky Promise?" I questioned

"Pinky Promise" they chorused while entwining out pinkies together.

The deal was sold.

That day should never repeat itself.

*Flashback over*

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