Chapter 9

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Sorry for the wait. and just so you know this was 3 pages in word even though its one here. 

LI 9


The noises stopped. As if he paused the game.

 "Umm Do you need something?" came Zaiyaans voice.

 I stopped.

 I was ten stairs from the top. I slowly And quietly continued. Careful not to make a noise so they wont know im Here. Yup im eavesdrooping. But i need to know What's going on.

"I just came Here for the bathroom." Marie said innocently.

"Okay then." his voice said. And resumed the game and the shooting and noises filled the air again. A few seconds later I heard the game pause again. What the bug?

I heard him speak "what do you-" he was cut off by her sudden burst.



What the heck is going on.


Chapter 9

Her shouts continued along with a mix of his "What the-" or "what are you". But she always cut him off with her frantic shouts before he could finish.

"What are you doing! Go away! Let me go!" what is he doing to her? Is there someone else there? A robber? She sounded serious. I made my way to the top, right behind the door.

"What are you talking-" he said confused and outraged till she cut him off once more.

"Zaiyaan! Stop! Get away from me!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. She sounded scared and desperate. The sound of a loud thwack made my heart stop and freeze in my tracks. I shoved the door open with all my might, ignoring the footsteps of Sabrena and Fiza rushing after me. They probably heard the commotion too.

"What the heck is going on in Here?" I bellowed to the scene before me and froze.

 I gasped.

I saw a panting shiny pink sparkly figure crouched on the corner of the sofa. Pushing against it as if she was trying to put distance between her and someone else. I got a better look. No. No one would postition themselves like that. Unless they fell, My eyes narrowed. Her eyes were shut closed and her hands in front of her in protection. My prediction of a robber or someone else vanished as I saw the culprit of Marie yells.

The only other figure I spotted was a firgure wearing red and black shorts stood three feet away from the couch Marie was clutching to for dear life. His hands out in front of him. Zaiyaan. It seemed as though he grabbed her or worse, harmed her. I swear I'll chop his arms off.

"What were you doing to her?" I walked up to them and said through clenched teeth. He turned to look at me. His eyes wide and confused and worried.

"Laila. I swear I don't-" he stopped what he was saying as Marie frantically jumped off the couch and ran over to me. I noticed her wince once she got up. She was hurt? Her expression was frantic. And frightened. But angry at the same time.

"Laila. I just c-came to use the b-bathroom and I was heading back downstairs to you guys. But then all of a sudden he had this evil smile on his face and he came closer and c-closer. And I had no idea what he was doing. I kept s-stepping back to get away from him and eventually I was standing in f-front of the couch. Then he grabbed my arms and brought me r-really close to his face and I screamed. I told him to stop touching me!  He...he was trying to k-kiss me!!! He was f-forcing himself on Me." she stuttered. “I-I don't like him like that. But he didn't l-listen! Th-then when I tried to get away. He- He... " her voice closed with emotion. "He shoved me so hard I f-fell against the couch." she was blubbering now.

"What! I did no such thing!” He yelled. Looking quite intimidating with the look on his face.

"SHUT UP!" I roared back at him. He winced. I can't believe this.

I was seeing red. How dare he do something like that! I mean I know Marie's luscious highlighted light brown hair and skinny curvy body was enough to drive someone mad. And it didn't help that she didn't dress that modest either but that doesn't mean he can just throw himself at her or hurt her!  Our parents raised us to always be respectful I don’t know where this side of him came from. And we all were.. We were fine. But good people don't force themselves on people. I remember he told me one time he hated those jerks that always treated girls like they were a toy and forced themselves on them and hit them. I feel betrayed. I bet his family didn't know he was like this either. He's probably gone around finding other helpless girls too. Maybe even some of Sammi's friends. My blood was boiling. Not to mention I was hurt, outraged, shocked, and a bit betrayed by my thoughts.

"Laila I swear I didn't do anything like that. She's lying!" he tried to convince ne taking a few steps closer.

"Stay back." Sabrena said menacingly from behind. Her tone was dangerously low. He looked at my eyes, pleading to believe him. But he was just lying. Lying is probably another thing he started. Who knows how much he changed in these two years.

 Plus the proof was all there. He was standing in front of her with his hands out and she was on the floor. Like he threw her on the couch. I heard that thud. Its all there.

 I looked away from his hopeful eyes. After all, they were fake.

He looked towards the person behind me."Sabrena..Come on." he begged. She just glared at him and grabbed Marie's hand.

"I'm taking her home." she quietly said. He ran a hand through his hair. He looked over at Fiza. His eyes boring into hers.

"Fiza. You believe me right?. Just hear me out.” He said almost in a whisper. She tried opening her mouth but no words would come out. Then she shook her head back and forth. Her eyes showed hurt. Obviously if the person you liked so much turned out to be an idiot that was trying to kiss your best friend was bound to make you upset. Not to mention treating a girl like that and shoving her. Let alone our best freind!  She was appalled by him. But I could tell that she wanted to believe him. It must be hard for her. It was for me too. But with her just falling for him...and then he does this jerk move and forces himself on one of our good friends. At least I came up in time. I don’t even want to think if he would ever do something else. I can’t believe I actually though he was one of the sincere guys I knew next to my brother Aidan and Hal, that would never be like all the other players and buttholes out there.

 I grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. Reminding her to not let her emotions get in the way if her judgment. She nodded and finally lifted her eyes to meet his.  His eyes had a tiny bit of hope as he waited for her answer.

"I can't believe your that kinda person. " she whispered out. Hurt coating her words. "We thought better of you." at that he pounded his fist loudly against the wall. I flinched. I heard the photo frames rattle against the wall.

"God Dangit!"He screamed at us. Both me and Fiza cringed away from him. He just stood for a few seconds and clenched his fist till the knuckles were white.

"Fine. Don't believe me! Believe her! Your long lost BFF that finally came back. She's totally right.” he spat at me through his teeth. His nostrils were flaring showing he was angry beyond relief and stormed out of the house. He really knew how to put on a show, didn't he? He would lie miles just to get out of trouble. And put the blame on someone else: Marie.

I shook my head. And found my way to pass out on the couch. I put my head in my hands.

I can't believe it. He tried something on Marie. Tried to touch her and kiss her. I never would have thought he'd be that person. I’m madder that I believe he wasn’t one of those people. I thought of him as a guy that may tease and be rude to me but never a person like this.

But the facts were all there. My eyes witnessed the after scene. She was on the couch getting away from him and his hands were up in front of her. It looked very much as though she had escaped his grasp at that second.

Lord knows what happened in the two years I didn't see him that made him this way. The Zaiyaan I knew and grew up with might have been mean and mischievous, but nothing like this.

It's sad how someone you've known and grown up with your whole life, can change in a matter of years to a whole different person.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2011 ⏰

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