Chapter 8

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"Well what happens now?"

Surprised by the question Osgood turned her head to look at her boss who to be honest was taking this far better than she had expected. "Well normally an opportunity presents itself." Osgood explained to Kate even if to her own ears it sounded rather pathetic.

"Oh good as long as there is a plan then." Kate drawled resisting the urge to roll her eyes as their droid guards led them into a laboratory and secured them in place. "And until then we...what...just try not to die?"

"Hmmm." Osgood nodded distracted by something that had been bugging her and now with a quiet moment to think... "It just didn't make any sense..."

"What didn't?"

"They were expecting The Doctor to turn up; they were passively scanning the room looking for a Time Lord why didn't they find..."Osgood paused casting her gaze about the room she assumed their conversation was being monitored even if she couldn't see how. "....well you know who?"

"Maybe she found a way to fool their scanners, maybe she is working with them and set us all up?" Kate speculated the second scenario far more likely by her estimation. "And if she did well didn't we all fall in line like the good little pawns we are. I will say this for Missy at least she plans things a little more thoroughly."

"Aw you say the sweetest things should I cry or feign modesty?" A familiar Scottish accent all but purred and Osgood practically got whiplash turning her head to follow her voice, Missy stood in the doorway escorted by two of the droid guards.

Well that confirmed it then Missy had doubled crossed them, Kate could only hope this harsh lesson would help sort Osgood's head out...Osgood who hadn't so much as looked away from the Time Lady since she entered the room...

"That was not a compliment." Kate huffed, yet glancing between her subordinate and the Time Lady who seemed to be wholly engrossed in each other she doubted it would be that simple.

Kate wasn't sure whether to be relieved that at least her judgement hadn't been compromised or disappointed that Osgood had clearly been lying to her for months. There was no way Osgood hadn't been compromised, if Kate was being generous she might allow for some sort of mental conditioning being to blame, yet part of her couldn't help but wonder just how involved in this plot to capture The Doctor was Osgood?

"Oh sorry did you say something?" Missy added shaking off Skip's pleading gaze before crossing the room and picking up a rather nasty looking medical device, a playful smile dancing across her lips as she turned back to her captives. "Now if you will both cooperate this will go much easier for me and will certainly be less painful for the two of you; however it's been a rather dull day so far so please do feel free to struggle."

"Hmmmmmmmm who wants to go first?" She toyed with them swinging the pincer like device back and forth, "Or would you like me to choose?"

"I'll go first." Osgood spoke up before Kate could volunteer. Ignoring her boss's protest Osgood caught Missy's gaze and held it, surprised to see a flicker of warmth and something akin to approval in those icy blue depths, or was she merely projecting?

Osgood couldn't help but blame herself; she had gone back to UNIT and convinced The Doctor to come here. Kate had been dragged into the mess out of some lingering loyalty that Osgood knew she didn't deserve. All the evidence before her was that Missy had set her up, had used Osgood's overtures of friendship against her and yet...was she so pathetically hung up on wanting to cling to hope that Osgood refused to accept she had been wrong all along?

"Such a brave little thing." Missy mused lifting the pincer up and placing it around Osgood's neck.

Swallowing and closing her eyes as the cold metal surrounded and pinched into her skin Osgood tried her best not to panic, it was pressing in but not shutting off her airways...There was a hum and a sensation akin to a shiver of static electricity zapped across her skin. Yet it was more surprising than painful and Osgood opened her eyes to meet the twinkling amused gaze of The Mistress.

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