Chapter 11

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They were close, they just had this intersection to cross then they were back at the main hall. The only problem was that the corridors here were busy with the many races who had earlier been at Lord Strax's party, and even inebriated there was bound to be at least one who recognised them and raised the alarm.

"We just need a little distraction." The Doctor theorised out loud, clever grey eyes scanning the busy intersection before settling on the fire suppression system. Yes that might do....

Sonic out he pointed it at the control panel...

BOOM...The station literally shook and people began to scream as the corridor filled with powdered CO2 and the shriek of an evacuation alarm.

"Doctor what did you do?" Kate demanded from her prone position whilst cradling her right arm, it had smacked right into the wall as she fell and Kate had heard a crack.

"It wasn't me!" The Doctor insisted. "It really wasn't." His guilt written all over his face as he was torn between helping an injured friend and taking advantage of the chaos. "Look there is no time to explain you have to go back to The Tardis."

"No Doctor we can't just leave Missy..." Osgood insisted only to be cut off by The Doctor who grabbed her shoulder to stop her from rushing off blindly into the fray.

"I have no intention of leaving Missy or the children I will find them but you have to go back, the Tardis will protect you. If I don't make it back and the station explodes then The Tardis will initiate the emergency protocol to return my companion home. You'll end up in Clara's flat and probably give her grandmother palpitations but it is better than the alternative."

"Then how will you escape?" Kate demanded her blue eyes showing the same stubborn streak as The Doctor, if it meant abandoning him to his certain doom then there was no way she was going back to The Tardis.

"I'll find Missy she must have a Tardis hidden somewhere." The Doctor reassured her bending down he took the bottom of Kate's jacket and wrapped it over, buttoning it up over itself to form a makeshift sling.

Wincing as this jarred her broken arm Kate couldn't help but remind him. "Missy is probably behind this."

"I know." The Doctor conceding, acknowledging her concern even as he planned to ignored it. "But I cannot just leave them behind. As brilliant as she still is Missy is no longer a Time Lord and I will not trust her life or m...the children's to luck." He added stumbling over his almost slip up.

As much as he liked Kate The Doctor wasn't so sure he would trust her and by extension UNIT with the knowledge that the foundling Gallifreyian children were not as orphaned as they first appeared. No they would already be enough of a high profile target because of their race, the truth about their parentage would slap an irresistible bounty on their heads, only these people would come to kill not simply capture.

Getting to his feet The Doctor barely had time to brace himself before another blast rocked the world around him. Now the corridors were a seething stampede of people trying to escape to their ships. Turning back to Kate he waved her off in the direction back to the Tardis before turning around intending to order Osgood to do the same...

Yet the UNIT scientist was suddenly nowhere to be found.


Pushing her way through the crowd Osgood tried her best not to panic, something easier said than done when everybody else was heading away from the station core and out to the docking stations. Now was not the time to get herself worked up enough to need her inhaler. She had to find Missy.

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