Chapter 17

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The business of ushering was more complicated than The Doctor had been led to believe. It was more than simply handing out orders of service and pointing people in the right direction...although why humans required anyone to instruct them where to sit The Doctor still didn't have a comprehensive answer for.

Surely it just made the most sense to fill up from the front taking the next available seat?

Yet it seemed his far more efficient system fell afoul of Clara's grandmother who actually resorted to hitting him repeatedly with her order of service when he dared to try and seat her in the next available seat in the second from last pew. The Doctor had never been quite so pleased to see P.E. as he was when the groom intervened and with some careful persuading convinced some of the teachers from Clara's school to swap their front row space for the spare seats at the back.

The Doctor had resorted to sulking in the vestibule, doing his best to avoid Clara's violent grandmother who glared daggers every time she caught sight of him. The Doctor still maintained that his system was far more efficient, and it was, not to mention how was anybody supposed to see over or around that bloody monstrosity of a hat the woman was wearing? Putting her at the back would have made far more sense all round.

Still the vicar had at least recognised his superior intellect and had given him the very important job of looking out for the bridal cars, then to give the organist the nod when the bride was ready so they could begin the introduction to the wedding march.

On spotting the classic cars arrive The Doctor felt his spirits rise a little as the one that Clara was travelling in bore a striking comparison to his own beloved Bessie and The Doctor immediately made a resolution to take his other old girl out for a spin.

"Doctor." Clara's voice rang out in greeting and The Doctor all but bounded over to her before stopping and frowning in confusion as he struggled to even recognise her under whatever thing she had draped over her face.

"Have you been playing peekaboo with the children Clara?" The Doctor jested stepping back as his impossible girl moved to swipe at him with her free hand.

"It's called a veil Doctor it's traditional." Clara huffed as she fussed with the edge of her lace trimmed veil and ushered her two bridesmaids to stand neatly behind her.

"Yes it was back in the dark ages but that was just to hide up the bride's pock marks so the poor groom would still marry her. P.E. already knows what you look like Clara and he still wants to marry you..." The Doctor added this time deserving the tiny punch he didn't quite manage to dodge.

"Ow." The Doctor whined backing away and edging towards the closed doors that led into the church proper. "Of course he might change his mind if he knew how very punchy you are today."

"Doctor just go in there and stay out of the way! You'll be the one to see just how punchy I can get if you dare do anything to ruin my wedding.""

Backing away his hands held in surrender The Doctor quickly slipped into the church taking Clara's threat very much to heart he did his job correctly and waved at the organist until he was certain she had seen him, ignoring the titters of amusement from Clara's friends as he budged them up and took a place at the end of the pew so he could watch her entrance.

The rich sound of the organ started up filling the small church with music and everyone stood for the entrance of the bride, a quick glance down the front confirmed for The Doctor that P.E. was still there and hadn't been abducted by aliens. So that was one thing Clara couldn't blame him for, although the groom did look more than a little green around the gills but The Doctor was sure that had nothing to do with him.

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