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"In a dream I was a werewolf. My soul was filled with crystal light. Lavender written in rain sands. Ridding my heart immortal, immortal fight."

I love that song. It reminds me of the first time I met Derek. Derek is my boyfriend, Well I wouldn't necessarily use the word boy to describe him because he's half man half wolf. How did I meet him you ask? Well i'll just start from the beginning. It all started when my friends and I were playing truth or dare. I always hated this game, but tonight it wasn't so bad.

"Becky it's your turn." thats me. I'm Becky i'm seven-teen years old and i have long brown hair and brown eyes. "Ok, ok. Lydia, truth or dare?" Lydia is gorgous, she has red mid-length hair and green eyes. "Hmmm I dare you to go pee on that tree over there." I said. We were sitting by a forest behind my house next to a bonfire, getting warm in the winter cold. Lydia walked over to the tree, pulled down her skinny jeans and peed. Kayla and I were snuggled up in our blankets laughing hysterically at what Lydia was doing.

Lydia walked back over to us and sat back down. "Ok Becky, truth or dare?" Lydia asked with a smile on her face. "Dare." they both sat there shocked. I almost never choose dare. "I dare you to go into the woods, find crazy Clauds grave and take a picture of yourself with the grave." said Lydia in a tone of voice that sounded like she wasn't sure if I would do it or not.

Crazy Claud is a man who believed there were half man half wolf creatures that lived in the woods behind my house. No one believed him except for me. Lydia new that too, she was the only one i ever told. I dpn't know why she would make me do this.

I got up, grabbed my camera and my flashlight and headed for the woods. Most people would find the woods creepy, but personally I thought it was beautiful. The owls "who-ing" in the night, the way the trees elegantly intertwind and flowed together in the night silence looked so graceful it broke my heart.

There were legends to where crazy Clauds grave was. People said that crazy Claud was murdered by the wolves and that the wolves buried him in the ground so no one would find out their secret was real. His grave was supposedly next to an oak tree in the middle of the woods. It was said that the tree was young, big and beautiful. Then when the wolves buried crazy Claud the tree died as well. Those were just legends, the doctors say that he had a heart attack from being so worked up all the time. I didn't believe it.

I was almost to the tree when my flashlight started flickering. I tried to turn on my camera but it was dead when i fully charged it. I was getting a little freaked out thinking it might be crazy Claud trying to send me away. I walked a little futher to where the tree was and i could not believe what i saw.

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