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I didn't know where we were going until I saw a bright light, the bonfire. It was relaxing to know that my wolf knew where I was. I hugged my wolf and kissed his nose one last time for tonight. Then i walked towards the fire.

"Did you get the picture?" asked lydia. I had totally forgotten about the picture. I made a quick lie. "I coulnd't find the grave." they looked disappointed but I was ok because of my discovery. I suggested that we go inside and go to sleep because it was late and I didn't want that wolf coming after me.

"I had a dream that my wolf came to me. Made me swear that i'll keep whats sacred to me. If I get the choice to fill my fantasy then i'll dream warm happy things."

This verse was exactly how I felt wakeing up the next morning. That was all totally a dream, that couldn't have really happened. I just had a very creative dream. I had to admit I wasn't that creative. But I had no proof that last night was real, so I went downstairs for breakfast as usual. Kayla and Lydia were still sleeping. I am a morning person. Every morning I get up make coffee, poor a bowl of cereal and eat outside in the cold winter morning.

Usually I eat in the peaceful silence, but this morning I could tell the balance of nature was off. I thought I heard something come from the woods but maybe I was still getting over that dream. Then I saw a brown-ish red wolf with bright blue eyes peeking out of the forest. I heard a howl and then my wolf disappeared. Ok either I was halucinating or this was real.

When I finished my breakfast I went back inside and the girls were awake. They had some eggs then we all got dressed and went to school. It was another normal day, lonely homeroom, jock fight in the middle of the hallway, snippy girls, lonely 1st and second period, and lunch wasn't so bad because I got to hang with Kayla and Lydia. 3rd period was my absolute favorite; poetry class. I love poetry the rhymes and rythems flowings together elegantly making a story with hidden words in between the lines. For some people poetry is hard to figure out; for me its just like the alphabet.

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