friends with no benefits

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(Abby's  P.O.V.)
"I hate you I love you
I hate that I want you
you want her you need her and I'll never be her..."

I woke up to the sound of Jacob blasting some pretty depressing rap music. I checked my phone, it wasn't even 7:00 yet. What kid is even awake then in the summer? Jeez he was weird. I definitely wasn't falling back asleep so I just decided to get dressed. I decided to wear some black high waisted shorts with a white shirt that says love pink 86, a pink brand pink jacket and pink converse. Normally way to girly for me but I guess I was just in the mood today. I put my hair in a French braid just to get it out of my face.

"I don't mean no harm
I just miss you on my arm
wedding bells were just alarms
caution tape around my heart..."

seriously, does he do this everyday? I opened my curtains, he was sitting on his bed in his pajamas-- He looked over and waved, not awkward at all to him, and walked to his window. "What's up with the sad music", I said. He replied " I don't know, just casual Wednesday music. Why are you up and around so early?" I smiled "Your music woke me up." remembering and getting a little irritated. "Oh sorry" "Wanna hangout again today?" He said grinning. cringing unnoticeably, I said yes. I mean he was nice and all. "What are we gonna do today?" "It's a surprise. You'll find out soon." He smirked
                   (Jacobs P.O.V.)
I noticed her curtain open out of the corner of my eye. It was Abby. It was early in the morning and I knew I looked like crap but when she came to the window she looked like an angel. She told me my music had woken her up, which made me feel a little bad, but I'll make it up to her when we hangout today. I realized it was probably inconsiderate to play music this loud right now, but it's what I do when I problem solve, I didn't really know what problem I was trying to solve but something was bugging me. I tried to push that out of my mind for right now. I was just happy I had plans with Abby today. She was really cool and I wanted to get know her better. School started on Monday and summer was coming to an end. sigh.

After her short conversation with Jacob she put some makeup on. Just to cover up for the day. She was thinking about school. It started on Monday, and she wasn't mentally prepared enough to worry about it to much.

              (Abby's P.O.V.)
I checked the time on my phone. It was already 1:00. I had been unpacking for about 4 hours now and made a lot of progress in cleaning my closet. I hadn't heard anything from Jacob since 7:00 this morning. I started unpacking my volleyball trophies. There were 15 of them, and we put special shelves on the wall just for them. I was putting the last trophy on a shelve when I heard my door squeak open. I turned around and saw Jacob. "Hey. Your mom let me in." he said "Hi" I said back. He was out of his pajamas now and was wearing a white A&F shirt and khaki shorts. He sat down on my bed, and I stood up. "Are those all yours?" He said marveling over them. "Yep" "They're really cool" "Thanks. My team was going to the junior Olympics but when I had to move they had to forfeit. " "oh" he replied "Do you play any sports?" "Basketball." That's right I had seen him playing then. I hadn't seen if he was any good though.

            (Jacobs P.O.V.)
15 Trophies? How do you even do that? She was amazing. Imagining her in spandex was making me blush and I was hoping she couldn't tell.  I don't really think I like her anymore than a friend but I had to admit, she had a lot going for her. "Hey Jacob" she said "Are you okay? You look really red."  Crap. she COULD tell. "Yeah I'm fine. It's just a little hot in here."  "Let's go outside" she suggested. I accepted. Outside, the light from the sun was blinding. We decided to walk for a little while.  "What are we doing today?" She asked again "I'm taking you to the fair." I replied "Cool!" she remarked. "So you'd say that you're excited?" "Sure I guess" she said "so you do like hanging out which implies that you like me. haha. we're friends." "fine" she replied.

Hey guys! The next chapter will be about what happens at the fair. stay tuned!

"Just Friends" ||Jacob Sartorius FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now