Chapter 6: The Haunting Past

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He looked at me and then around the room as he stood in his old house.

"How are we here?" He asked confused.

"I can time travel. There is one thing you need to make sure of, you can not meet your past self." I said.

"I won't. This is amazing." He said smiling and sitting on his bed.

"I miss this place so much." He said smiling.

"It seems nice." I said.

"Is my sister here?" He asked. His face lit up.

"Yes, she is downstairs." I said.

He stood up quickly to his feet and ran down the stairs.

"Be careful Justin." I said grabbing his hand.

"You have to make sure that no one can see you." I said.

"I will, how reckless do you think I am?" He asked jokingly. He was too happy to stand still for long. He ran down the stairs and stopped at the bottom.

I was right behind him, so I turned him invisible as we walked across the living room and into the shadows.

"But Justin! I want to spend time with you, not Troy!" Justin's little sister Jayden complained.

"Jayd, I already told Adeline that I would go to the movies with her." Justin said grabbing milk for his sister's cereal.

"You always do what Adeline wants! Why can't I go to the movies with you?" She asked.

"We can go tomorrow." He said.

"Promise?" She asked.

"I promise, but I have to leave soon, so finish up your breakfast." He said cleaning up the kitchen.

"Justin, there is someone in here." She said nervously.

"Um, I don't think anyone is here besides us." He said confused. He ran his hand through his messy blonde hair.

"A girl, there is a girl in here." She pointed towards me. I was invisible though, so she couldn't have seen me.

"There is no one there Jayden. I don't know what you are talking about." Justin said worriedly.

"I can feel her. She knows you. She doesn't know me." Jayden said standing up and walking toward me. I tried moving, but Justin stood completely still.

She touched my face.

"You love him. Almost as much as I do. I can feel it. I can also feel your power. Please take care of him when i'm gone. He isn't as strong as he thinks he is." She whispered in my ear.

She ran back to her chair.

Both Justins looked as if they couldn't

She winked at me before the old Justin combed through his hair.

"Jayd, do I look okay?" He asked worriedly.

It was as if he instantly forgot what just happened.

"I told you to stop calling me that! You look fine." She said.

The doorbell rang.

"C'mon Jayden." Justin said walking towards the door.

I followed them out of the kitchen and into the hallway.

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