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Troye manages to cuddle up to Connor sometime during the night, wrapping his arms around the boy. He was still sleeping when Connor wakes up, and his grip was tight, but not tight enough to hurt.

Connor slowly opens his eyes as he wakes up. He looks over only to find that Troye was still sleeping. Gently, Connor tried to sit up, but then realized Troye had wrapped his arms around him.

Troye mumbled something incoherent and squirmed a bit before settling back down. He was usually a very light sleeper, but there was something about Connor that made him feel safe, even if he didn't want to admit it yet. Troye didn't like to admit that he needed people.

Connor thought that Troye had woken up for a minute, but turns out he didn't. And he couldn't stay still any longer. "Troyeeeeeee," he said gently, shaking him lightly.

"Mm, Connah..." He mumbled, popping an eye open. "You're soft, though. Don't wanna get up." He lets go of Connor anyways, sitting up and messing with his (own) hair. Troye has always hated his bed hair, but he just shrugs it off today.

Connor chuckled. "Should I take that as a compliment or...?" Connor asked jokingly, watching as Troye runs his hand through his dark, curly, somewhat messy hair.

"Definitely a compliment. I hate cuddling with hard people." He stretches and yawns, and as he does so, Troye lets out his inner porn star moan that everyone does when they hit the perfect position. He blushes profusely, moving back into a normal position soon after that.

Connor couldn't help but laugh a little. "You don't understand how wrong that sentence sounded," Connor said. He usually had a dirty mind, and so he could make almost anything innocent sound perverted.

"Oh my god. You had to tell me that after I let my inner porn star out?" Troye's bright red cheeks turned even darker, and he hid his face in his hands. Despite knowing Connor for less than a day, he felt like he had known the gorgeous boy for his whole life.

"Yeah," Connor said, laughing a little harder. "Yeah I did. It was very necessary."

Troye pouts and stands up. He sighs. "I should probably get out of your hair, you've done so much for me already. I have some friends who'll let me crash with them, so no need to worry that I'll freeze." He forces a smile onto his face as he looks down and picks at his nails.

Connor's smile fades a little. "Are you sure?" He replies. "Because honestly, you can stay here as long as you'd like. I don't mind," he says. He was kind of sad when the boy with the beautiful blue eyes said he should go.

Troye moved his weight from foot to foot, biting his lip as he thinks. Connor was extremely sweet, and he was offering to let him stay... "Are you positive, Connah? I don't want to be a burden." Troye looked at the older boy with hopeful eyes.

Connor shakes his head. "You won't be a burden," he said. "And yes, I'm positive that you can stay," he concludes.

He grins and hugs Connor, feeling happy. "Alright, then. But only because you're positive." Troye had a feeling that the two of them would be good friends, and lord knows that Troye needed friends.

Connor smiled also, hugging Troye back. "Well, I mean, if I wasn't positive and I didn't want you to stay I wouldn't have asked," he points out. Connor was really glad that he decided to stay, even if he didn't say so out loud.

"That's true," he admits. Troye pulls away and momentarily looks into Connor's green eyes, and he has to tear his eyes away. 'He's going to think you're weird if you keep staring, Troye,' he thinks to himself.

"Erm, do you have any food?" He asks a bit shyly.

Connor nods. "Why, it's funny you ask. I do just so happen to have food," he jokes, chuckling a bit. "Come on," he said, standing up and walking to the kitchen.

The thing about Troye when it comes to food is that he is exceptionally non-picky. Sure, there are a few things he refuses to eat, but that list is fairly short. Living on the streets really broadens your horizons when it comes to what you prefer to eat.

He follows after Connor, nearly tripping as he does so.

Connor stops in the kitchen, leaning against the counter, facing Troye. "Anything in particular that you want?" Connor asks. "I don't mind cooking something if you want me to."

"I'll eat pretty much anything except mustard and onions. Well, I'll eat onions sometimes, but usually when they are in ring form," he rambles, occasionally using his hands to do some pointless gesture. "Something simple is fine."

"Okay," Connor replies. He grabs an apple from the fruit bowl on the table. "Apple?" He asks, holding the apple out towards Troye.

He shrugs and takes the apple, tossing it in the air a few times before finally holding it in his hands.

"You know what they say. An apple a day keeps the doctor away." If David Tennant or Matt Smith wanted to come to Troye, then he'd be 100% fine with that.

Connor smiles a little, before walking back into the living area, and sat back down onto the sofa where he was. He messes with his hair that was slightly messy a bit.

Troye bit into the apple right as he sat down by Connor. He had happened to be looking right at the other lad right as he did, making it look dirty. He used his free hand to reach over and move some hair that was in Connor's eyes, staying silent the entire time.

Connor blushed a light tint of pink as Troye brushed some of the hair out of his eyes. "Oh, thanks," he says quietly, before getting lost in the boy's bright blue eyes. He forces himself to break the gaze after a few seconds, thinking that Troye might find him weird.

"You're pretty when you blush," Troye blurts out, and he ends up blushing himself. He also wants to touch Connor's hair again, because holy shit he has really soft hair. He'd probably think Troye is weird, though, so he doesn't. Instead he continues to eat his apple. He's still looking at Connor when the other looks away.

This only makes Connor blush harder. He looks down and bites his lip. "Thank you," he says, still quiet. He wasn't usually quiet, and so it was abnormal for him, as he was usually quite loud.

Troye leans forward, stopping when his mouth is by Connor's ear. "Here's a tip: you're cute when you're confident," He quotes, grinning. John Green is one of Troye's many favorite authors, and he had been for years now. He gets up and walks into the kitchen to throw his apple core away, leaving Connor there to blush furiously.

Connor just stayed there as Troye got up. He stayed silent, his cheeks a ferociously red color. He was just one, big, blushing mess right now.

Troye came back in and shot Connor an innocent smile as he watched the Green-Eyed lad continue to blush. He found it utterly adorable how his cheeks were bright with color, and how Connor's eyes lit up as well. He was going to say something, only to be interrupted by a doorbell going off.

Connor, hearing the doorbell, immediately got up and went over to the door. He opened it up, seeing who could be at the door.

The Green-Eyed Boy // TronnorWhere stories live. Discover now