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When it seems Troye is beginning to get better 3 days later, it suddenly takes a turn for the worse. Whereas he had previously been able to get out of bed and do things for long periods of time, he was more exhausted and more unable to do many activities.

"Troye," Connor says softly as he sits at the edge of the bed. "Troye-boy, I think we should take you to see a doctor. They'll get you the right treatments that you need. You'll get better." All Connor wanted to see right now was Troye get better.

"Fine." Troye had previously been refusing to see a doctor, because the last time he saw one, he had woken up alone and scared.

Since Troye had only been getting increasingly worse these past few days, Connor opted to take Troye to the doctors' now.

"C'mon, Troye. I'll grab your coat," Connor said, walking off to grab Troye a coat.

Troye sniffles a bit as he stands up and makes his way out to the living room. He slips on the jacket that Connor hands him, putting his shoes on before he follows the other boy out to the car.

When they finally manage to get to the car together, Connor makes sure Troye gets in okay, before he gets in his own side of the car. He pulls out of the driveway.

Troye's head rests against the door after he buckles himself in. He didn't voice the growing anxiety that if he fell asleep in the hospital, Connor wouldn't be there when he woke up.


They arrive at the place rather quickly. It wasn't very far away anyways. He hoped that Troye would get better soon and fast. He'd literally do about anything just so this boy would get better.

They get checked in and sent to a room fairly quickly, starting to run all of the standard tests.

Connor was with Troye throughout all the standard tests, watching as they did what they had to.

After they scan him and wait for the results, Troye's mind keeps telling him that Connor will abandon him eventually.

When the results come in, the doctor looks grim faced. "You have severe pneumonia, most likely caused by being in the cold for too long."

"Is there any sort of medicine or something for this?" Connor asked, in hopes that nothing more extreme was needed to make Troye better. He had never had pneumonia, and so he didn't have a clue how it was treated.

"We're going to give him an IV drip and keep him overnight. After that, we'll prescribe some medicine that should take care of the rest," the doctor answers, leaving the room to get some nurses to set up a drip.

He looks over at Troye, who was still pretty pale and he just looked sickly. Connor places a hand on Troye's shoulder. "You'll be okay," he says, trying to be reassuring. He still didn't plan on leaving Troye alone anytime soon.

"Don't leave me, please?" He asked, whimpering quietly. Troye squirmed in his seat on the bed, looking at Connor with wide, desperate eyes. He had told the brunette what happened last time he had been in one of these hospitals.

"I'm not going to leave you," he says, grabbing Troye's hand, giving it a small squeeze. "I promise. I'm going be right here by you."

Troye doesn't have time to answer before two nurses come in. One sets up the drip while the other sets up the machine. The one doing the drip is as gentle as she can be with the needle. They introduce themselves as Troye's nurses for the night before leaving.

The Green-Eyed Boy // TronnorWhere stories live. Discover now