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Connor looks away from the game for a second, he sees something that completely breaks him.

Troye and Tyler were kissing.

His heart shattered to billions of pieces. He didn't understand why, as he should be happy for Troye as he had found someone he loves, and who loves him back. He attempts to shove it aside, continue on with playing.

Meanwhile back on the deck, Tyler was slightly shocked when Troye kissed him. He blushed a darker color than before, kissing Troye back as he eased into it, slowly breaking from his shocked state.

Phil, who was sitting next to Connor, sees it as well. He sympathetically pats Connor's thigh before going back to the game they're playing.

Meanwhile, Troye wraps an arm around Tyler, bringing him closer. Even though he didn't have much experience with kissing and such, he wasn't bad at it either.

Connor felt Phil's sympathetic pats, but he didn't want his sympathy. He'd much rather wallow in his own sadness. 'I wish that were me...' he subconsciously thinks to himself. He tried to ignore the thoughts again, returning to FIFA once more.

Tyler brings his hand up and lightly cups Troye's cheek as they kiss, caressing it. He smiles a little bit in the kiss out of nowhere. But it was probably because he was just so happy at the moment.

The kiss grows more heated the longer they kiss, and Troye knows he's going to have to pull away before it goes even farther than he wants it to. Moving his head away, he has a silly grin on his face, his lips slightly swollen from their intense kiss.

"Wow... just. Wow..." Tyler was an amazing kisser, and if they were alone and knew each other for a while, he might consider going farther. But they aren't alone, and they've only known each other a day.

Tyler chuckled at Troye's response.

"You're a good kisser, to be honest," Tyler said out of nowhere, smiling. He could kiss the boy all day if he could. Seriously. His lips were like nicotine to Tyler. And plus, they were so soft and hardly chapped.

"Thank you." He's sure his cheeks are permanently stained red now, but he's alright with that. Somewhat, anyways.

"We should probably go back inside now, before someone breaks something." He might have only known them less than a day, but from what he's gathered so far, they're prone to breaking things. A lot.

He smiles when Troye blushes, before nodding in response. "Yeah. They're doomed to break something. Well, Dan and Phil, at least. I'm not so sure about Connor, though," he says, beginning to walk back towards the house.

"I don't know, he looks pretty mad. Maybe he's losing."

Yeah, losing, alright. He's just not losing the FIFA Game. More like losing Troye before things could ever get started between the two of them.

Walking back inside with Tyler, he jumps onto the couch, sandwiching himself in between Dan and Connor.

Tyler shrugs. "Maybe," he says, before he was about to take a seat.

But then Troye jumped onto the couch before him, sitting between Connor and Dan. Of course he would sit by Connor instead of him. He just sits on the end of the couch next to Connor, as it was the only available seat left.

Troye can't seem to do anything right. He can see the jealousy pass over Tyler's face for a second, but all he does is lay his head on Connor's shoulder. He doesn't seem to realize that he's playing mind games with the two boys.

Connor is beginning to get confused. It's like he's getting mixed signals from Troye. Connor could see that Tyler was just as confused. Troye would go from one boy to the other, leaving the other to wallow in jealousy. It was like some sort of mind game.

Connor was beginning to get distracted by his thoughts, but still managed to continue playing somehow.

Troye cheers quietly every time one of them scores a goal until eventually Phil wins the game. "And you said I suck at it," Phil exclaims, sticking his tongue out at Dan. Troye laughs and congratulates Phil on his win.

"I suppose Phil and I should get back to our hotel," Dan says, standing up and stretching a bit. "We'll see you later, guys."

Connor smiles, congratulating Phil on his win as well. Then they had to go, and so it was now only Connor, Troye, and Tyler left in the room. Silence.

"Well, I should probably go as well," Tyler says after a while, breaking the extremely awkward silence.

"I'll see you tomorrow then, Tyler," Troye says, smiling at him. After the American boy leaves, Troye lays across the couch, his head in Connor's lap.

"I think it's cute, you and Tyler," Connor says as Troye lays across the couch, his head in Connor's lap. "I can tell you guys really like each other," he says, forcing a smile onto his face. He really was happy that Troye found someone for him, though, even if he was emotionally hurt by it.

His eyes closed, Troye mumbles, "But you're jealous. I can tell. Every time I'm around him, your eyes get darker, and you narrow them slightly. I don't think you even realize you're doing it." He's been around plenty of jealous people to recognize the emotion when he sees it. "I'm not even in love. It's too soon for that. It's just that... he's really nice. You are too, and fuck... I don't even know what I'm doing anymore."

Connor gave a small sigh. "I'm not jealous," he says in attempts to defend it like it was some huge secret, but really in reality he knew that Troye knew he was jealous no matter what he said. "It's okay, Troye. Just relax, don't stress over it. You'll figure it all out soon enough."

"Sure. You're not jealous, just like I'm not some random kid you met off the street," he says sarcastically, opening his eyes to stare up at Connor. "I hope so. I just hate being the one to pick, y'know? If I pick you over Tyler, he'll get hurt, but if I pick him over you, then you'll get hurt. And I know I'm getting in between your friendship with Tyler. I don't want to ruin that."

Connor sighed once more, still looking down at Troye. He had never even thought of any of this this way. "I never even thought of it that way, to be honest," Connor says quietly. Very quietly.

"Then don't pick. Follow your heart, or your dreams, or whatever. That's the thing that'll show you who to really pick. So, technically, you wouldn't be the one picking," Connor says softly.

"I'll do that. I hope I make the right decision." He's excited for the date with Tyler tomorrow, because that'd be a huge deciding factor in who he ended up with, as selfish as it sounds.

A/N: Wow, this is quite dramatic. Well brace yourselves - major drama is going to happen soon, lots of shit hitting the fan. Just brace yourself for that 😝😏

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