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When they reached Connor's car, Troye climbs in, staring out the window as he heard Connor get in on the other side.

"Is there something wrong with me? Is that why Tyler cheated on me before we even got started?" He asked, looking over at the other lad, his wide blue eyes even going even wider.

"Of course not, Troye. He seemed wasted to me when I saw him. But why he would get drunk before your date is beyond me," Connor says, pulling out of the driveway. "And of course, no, there's nothing wrong with you. You're practically flawless," he says, the words slipping out of his mouth before he could stop them. He blushed mildly after he realized what he had just said.

Troye snorts softly when he hears Connor say he's practically flawless. "I am so far from flawless it's not even funny. I mean, before you let me stay with you, I was broke and homeless. I can't even keep a boy long enough to go on a first date," he murmurs, keeping his gaze on the blurry surroundings as they zip by.

"Those are just small imperfections. And besides, it wasn't your fault. Tyler was just being a dickface," he says as he drives, glancing at Troye from time to time. "Honestly there's nothing wrong with you, even if you don't believe me," he concludes.

The rest of the ride back to his house is silent, and Troye stays quiet as he hugs Connor and then retreats into the spare room he'd been designated. He pulls out his black notebook and begins writing, occasionally flipping to the next page and drawing something.

He hugged Troye back when he hugged him. Then Troye disappeared into the spare room. Connor sighs. He just wanted to hug Troye until he felt better, but he knew Troye might just push him away. Deciding he's hungry, he walks to the kitchen, grabbing an apple.

Troye walks in as Connor is mid-way through eating his apple. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," he says, repeating what he had said when he had been eating his apple. Flashing a grin at him, he was determined to act like he hadn't just gotten his heart shattered into a billion pieces.

Connor knew that Troye was just masking his broken heart beneath his grin. Connor laughs anyways. He sighs. Silence for a few minutes before Connor spoke again. "It's going to be okay, you know." He just really wanted to hug Troye so bad right now.

"I know. If I stay sad about him, it's only going to drag me down. Nobody can drag me down and keep me there, yeah? How about we film the first ever video for my channel after we get it set up," he says, a glint of mischief in his eyes.

This took Connor by surprise, making him nearly choke on his apple bit. "Wait, are you sure? You've decided you want to?"

"Yeah. Fuck Tyler, I don't need him. I want to show him that I can do whatever the fuck I want." Troye sits on one of the stools, grinning as he puts his hands behind his head, leaning back a bit.

Connor chuckles at Troye's sudden change of attitude. "Well, I mean, the camera's already all set up."

"Great! Let's go film a video, then." He stands up and gestures for Connor to lead the way, getting all excited for his big internet debut.

"Okay," he says, quickly throwing away the apple core and then walking to the room the camera was set up in. "I'm glad to see you're excited for this."

"I'm nervous as hell, actually. I've never actually sang for so many people before. Do you think people will actually watch it? What should I do?" He continues to shoot questions at Connor, unsure of what it is he's supposed to do.

He's suddenly attacked with questions. "Yes, people will watch it. Just sing and be you. You'll be fine," he says, giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

Troye reaches up and places his hand on top of Connor's, biting his lip as he smiles. "I can do that. I'll pretend it's just you and I, yeah? That'll work." He pulls his hand away and retrieves the guitar from the spare room, sitting down where Connor instructs him to sit.

Connor feels a rush of adrenaline pumping through him as Troye places his hand on top of his. The foreign feeling stops when he pulls his hand away. "Let me know when you're ready for me to record," he said, his finger hovering over the 'record' button.

He flashes Connor a thumbs up and then begins to strum random chords as he smiles at the camera. "Hello. I'm Troye Sivan, and I hope you enjoy the song." He changes the random strumming into an actual song, saying, "This is my cover of Drag Me Down by One Direction." Troye begins to sing along to the song.

As Troye does his cover, Connor's heart did the same thing it did last time he sang. Troye's singing voice did things to him.

The song finally comes to an end, and Connor's heart stops doing the flippy thing it has been doing the entire time he was singing. He turns the camera off once it's completely done.

"Now, we have to set up a channel and possibly even a Twitter so your new fans will be able to contact you and talk to you," Connor says.


They were both laying in Troye's bed. He had his head on Connor's shoulder, watching him set up a channel and twitter for him. Occasionally he'd get asked a question about what he wanted to do with this, or what do we name that.

Finally they finished, and Troye grinned widely. Connor smiled widely at Troye, who was also smiling widely.

"You're gonna go far," he said reassuringly to Troye, gazing into those eyes of his before turning away and back at the screen.

A/N: The fluffy Tronnor vibes are returning... Momentarily 😏😂 Hope you're liking it though. And I know, Tyler was a bit of an ass in this😁

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