Advice (Hak x reader)

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Blue was just the perfect word to describe your friend. Just blue. Other than the fact that he was obviously wearing blue clothing, Hak looked downright depressed.

You had been traveling with the group for a little while now, ever since they said that they were going to defend your home in Kouka kingdom from invaders. As a warrior, you asked if you could join them, to which there was an unanimous "yes".

Yona was especially happy, because now there was another girl in the group, but other than Yona, Jae-ha was pretty happy too. He always seemed to love to hit on you every moment of the day. It was rather annoying at first, however you got used to it and started to flirtatiously tease him back a little. Just a day in the life of you, (f/n).

But this evening was quiet, most of the bunch had went into town, leaving only you, Hak, and Shin-ah back at the camp to guard it. As you sat on the floor near the edge of camp, boredom caused you to get out your sharpening stone, and start sharpening your sword, your weapon of choice. After scraping the edge of your blade twice, you retracted your arm, ready to scrape the blade a third time, when all of a sudden, the stone was torn from your grasp. You turned in the direction of whoever stole it and saw a wave of blue fabric and Hak sitting down next to you.

Hak held out his hand and said "give me your sword, I don't want you to cut your hands". You looked at him and said "I'm not a delicate little doll, I can sharpen a sword, and I sure as heck have cut my hands before. But if you want to do my work for me, go ahead." So you gave him your sword, but in the process his hand touched yours by accident.

This instantly made you nervous. Just feeling his hand touch your own. Of course you had a huge crush on the guy, and of course you were good at hiding your feelings, so no one really knew. But that simple action made your heart race.

So in order to draw attention away from yourself you decided to start a conversation as Hak worked on your sword. "So........why have you been so depressed lately?" Hak kept scraping the edge of your sword but replied "I'm one of those people that likes to be able to solve most things by myself, however, I am now in a situation where I need advice."

You looked at him and said "ohh? What would that be that the great 'thunder beast' can't solve with his fists?" He turned towards you and glared for a few seconds before going back to the sword but muttered "I need relationship advice".

That threw you for a loop.

You never would have expected Hak to be struggling with his feelings, after all he clearly loved Yona and flirted with her at least some of the time. Most likely he just needs advice on how to ask her out.

So you said "let me guess, you are in love with a girl, and you want to tell her you love her and ask her out but you are afraid that she might reject you. Correct?"

Hak sighed and gave an exasperated "yes, that about sums it up"

You chucked to yourself a little before saying "Imagine Hak, one of the greatest warriors to ever live, is afraid to ask out a girl, that's hilarious".

Hak was clearly starting to get frustrated, his movements were noticeably more tense now, so you decided to give what he came for: advice. You said to him "Listen Hak, you are probably the most handsome, tall, dark, kind, strong, smart, talented warrior I have ever met. If a girl says no to you, her loss. If you ask me, just go out on a limb, and tell her."

Hak stopped for a moment, to register what you said, then he put your sword and stone on the floor and said "Do you really mean that?"

You nodded and said "Yeah, everyone thinks that, including myself"

Hak smiled to himself for a moment before saying "well then..... In that case......." Then he moved one hand behind your head and wrapped his other hand around your waist and kissed you. At first you could not believe it, your crush was in love with you, not only that, but right now he was kissing you. It was almost to perfect a moment to be real. So wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back, and you both stayed like that till, you ran out of air.

Then you said "you know, when I said go out on a limb this wasn't what I had in mind. Not that I'm complaining though."

Hak smiled and then replied "well I figured that since you first described me as handsome, you most likely were in love with me as well, so I did in fact go out on a limb (f/n)."

You smiled back and said "you know, this was probably the last thing I expected when you came to me asking for advice, but this turned out to be a nice ending."

Hak nodded and said "yes it was, and remind me later to punch Jae-ha if he flirts with you again." With that you two kissed again and waited for the rest of the group to return.

Meanwhile, using his dragon's eye, Shin-ah, who had been wondering why the camp was so quiet all of a sudden, smiled to himself, because he just confirmed one of his biggest suspicions about his fellow comrades. After all you really can't hide anything from a guy like Shin-ah, who could see anything and everything.

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