How naive (Shin-ah x reader)

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Today was a strange day. You, (f/n) were the one of the resident defenders/guardians of a tiny village, and you had just received word, that a group of people, with odd colored hair, were camping out on the outskirts of town. So you grabbed your scythe, and marched off to see what all the commotion was about. Perhaps these people were friendly, and they could tell you stories, after all, your dream was to travel the world. So maybe these people could tell you about it.

After about two hours of walking, you finally arrived at the location and you were baffled by what you saw. Everyone there, with the exceptions of two boys, and one man, everyone had bright unnaturally colored hair. You looked around, and noticed that all these people had weapons, so having around seven on one was out of the question. Since you preferred diplomacy anyways you just stepped right into the middle of their camp.

Upon seeing someone who was armed, everyone stopped and scrambled to draw their weapons as well. But you sheathed your scythe and held up your hands and said "I'm not here to hurt you, I was sent here by the townspeople, to see who you are, and whether or not you are a threat". The man clad in blue stood up and looked at the white haired guy and said "I TOLD YOU WE WERE TOO CLOSE. NOW THEY THINK WE'RE INTRUDERS. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT WHITE SNAKE." The white haired boy yelled back "WHY ARE YOU BLAMING ME? I WASN'T THE ONE WHO WAS WALKING AROUND TOWN, IF ANYTHING ITS JAE-HA'S FAULT FOR LOOKING FOR WOMEN TO HIT ON IN TOWN."  The green haired man held up his hands and said "Guilty as charged, speaking of which......." He walked right up to you and said "I'm Jae-ha, and let me tell you.....your hand looks heavy, you want me to hold it for you?" So he grabbed your hand and kissed it, and was then knocked in the back of the head by the tall man wearing blue who said "Shut up droopy eyes" leading to an argument between the two.

Then the only girl present other than you said "Okay, I think we are scaring her, let's start over, my name is Yona, you've met Jae-ha, the white haired one is Kija, the blonde one is Zeno, the boy over there is Yoon, the idiot in blue is Hak, and last but not least, the guy sitting under the trees over there is Shin-ah". You looked over to see a large lump of fur and a mask facing you. It was odd, but for some reason, even though you could not see his face, if he had one, or his eyes, you could almost feel him looking at you.

You smiled and said "I'm (f/n), nice to meet you. Are you going to stay here for long? The town is going to want some answers."

Yona looked around and then said "Well we're going to be here for a few days, but then we have to leave." You smiled back and said, "No worries, hey, as a matter of fact, seeing as how you guys really don't appear to be a threat, I'm sure they won't mind if you stayed here for a little while. Anyways I must be getting back. I need to explain the situation, to the town, so bye! Oh wait, you know if you guys want I could bring some food back later, our village is known for its food after all."

Zeno rubbed his stomach and said "Okay! Don't take too long, I'm long forward to it! Bye for now pretty lady!!"

*********A few hours later**********

Unfortunately, the townspeople were still hesitant, so what they all decided that the mysterious group of people had to be tested. They sent you with a large amount of food under the pretense of friendship, to see if they hurt you, and would then make a decision based of that. If they hurt you, they would be attacked, if they didn't they would be welcomed, simple as that. But you didn't care, they were new friends of yours.

So you made the trek back to the camp, holding a large bag full of salted meats and fruits, but for some reason, you felt like there were eyes of you for some reason, even though there was no one in the woods at that time. It made you rather uneasy.

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