Chapter 2 Part 1

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Chapter 2

Part 1

Waving bye to Brazada as Astronomy class ended, I couldn't help but smile because for one, I just found a better place to live and two,  Astronomy class was one of the subjects that i loved and that i excel in. The Teacher, Mr. Voss, was a weathered old man with a lean build, grey hair, and glasses who talked about the stars in a way that seemed like he was telling a story with deep passion. 

Since I was a little girl I was always fascinated with the stars; my name itself meant "female warrior" in Astronomy. My Mother always said that I was a shinning, dancing star among the millions in the sky. 

The rest of the morning flew by very quickly and by the time my Statistics class ended I spotted Brazada with a group of people in the parking lot. At that exact moment Brazada spotted me and waved me over excitedly. As i walked closer to the group I saw that the group consisted of three senior boys, but what i realized as i finally made it to Brazada is that they were not boys, but MEN! All three men were at least  6 feet tall and had lean muscular builds. 

"Hey Trixie ! I was hoping I would see you again. Any who, guys this is my new roommate Bellatrix, but I call her Trixie and when i say I call her trixie, I mean ONLY ME!. Trixie, these three assholes are Berry, Russal, and Terrence. Looking at the Berry and Russal I instantly knew they were twins; both guys had shaggy brown hair and hazel eyes and were worthy of the title H.O.T! See what I did there, hot in all caps ;) . Terrence was H.O.T with a mohawk and reminded me of Puck from Glee. Just for anyones information I was a secret gleek.

"Hi" I said quietly.

"Aww, isn't that cute! She's like a little china doll; she could fit into my pocket" said Berry.

"Knock it off Berry I don't want her to be scared off by not only your god awful smell, but also your lack of civilized manner!" Brazada said annoyingly.

"Its OK, i don't mind". 

"Well if your sure then whatever. Ohh, before I forget. I  had  all your things moved into my place this morning, and by all your stuff i mean your only suitcase. I still don't know how you could live in that hideous neighborhood. I had to have these three goof balls escort me because that place gave me the heeby gibeys!"

i could only open and close my mouth like a fish out of water. How could this girl in only a matter of hours know where i was living?1 i was kind of scared of how quick she got all of this information. 

"Sorry, but you should know up front that I am known on campus as the social queen bee of gossip so it is only natural that I know that you moved from New York to LA 6 months ago, you have two-thousand dollars to your name, and no family to speak of which in my case is a little suspicious, but i will let it slide for now. So if you can close that mouth of yours before flies get in and get your ass into my car so we can go to the apartment you will now call home. Any questions?"

Instantly i closed my mouth and wondered how any human being could say that much in one single breath. As i shook my head no, Brazada dragged me into the passenger side of her cherry red Mini Cooper.

"But what about my car?"

"Dont worry about it , the boys will drive it over to the apartment with your keys that i got from your purse while you were looking at me like a fish out of water!"

"ohhkayy?" i said a little more amazed by this one women hurricane.

"By China doll!"

Looking out of the window I waved to Berry and the other guys that had suspicious grins on their faces. When i turned my head and as Brazada started the car I wondered why the guys were grinning like that. Shrugging it off as my own paranoia I felt my eyes droop closed and as I fell asleep I could do nothing but succumb to my nightmares that started 6 months ago.


So? How are you guys liking the ride so far?! Good, bad, ok?

Please ignore, if you can, the grammar errors and don't forget to Vote & Comment so I can improve the story! Thank you and as we say in Cali, "Hang loose!"

P.S What do you think Bellatrix is trying to runaway from? Well, part 2 is a peek of her past.

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