Chapter 3

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I woke up with Brazada's face in mine.

"Trixie, thank goodness your awake! Must have been a bad dream huh? Well, we are now at your new home!

I take in my surroundings and I can see blossom trees lining up the drive way to the apartment; the apartment could be described more as a studio that was made of brick from the outside. I waited behind Brazada as she unlocked the door. Walking in I saw open space that was the living room which led to a small and comfortable kitchen. on the opposite side of the living room was a small open space, but had a grand piano in the middle.

"Hey, Brazada? Do you play the piano? I asked

"No, my last roommate had it, but she didn't want it so she left it here. By the way, the two iron stair cases by the door leads to two bed rooms. Mine is on the right, yours is on the left and each one has a bathroom."

"Ok thanks, I'm going upstairs then, I need to catch up on my studies anyways." As I was heading upstairs Brazada stopped me.

"BORING! Why don't you come with me to this party?!"

" Um, I don't think so..." I was cut off.

"PLEASE! I don't want to go alone!"

Darn my weakness of being nice!

"Fine I'll go. What time do you want to leave ?"

"At 10? The guys will be there too!"


__________________________________________ At the party....

I went to the party with a white strapless sun dress under a black cardigan and black knee length boots. My make up only consisted of mascara and chap stick. I had my hair down because I was to lazy to do anything with it. 

When we arrived to the party, it was near a boat dock, all I could say was that whatever I was smelling seemed like it died weeks ago. This was a first for me to go to a party that was in a wear house so I was curious to say the least.

"What kind of party is this Brazada?" I asked

"You'll see" was all she said with a devious glint in her eyes.

I gulped as I fallowed her to the iron door and when she knocked the door opened to have a big burly man with a bald head with a long greying beard and a single gold earring.

"Hey Brazada, whose your friend?"

" OH, this is Bellatrix, my new roommate. My last one bailed on me" She said so casually.


He let us in and I was immediately bombarded with loud rock music, I think it was Chop Suey by System of a Down. I hurriedly fallowed Brazada trying not to get lost with all the bodies pressing against me; she was easly spotted with her mid leanth tight green dress that dipped low in the back, her red hair in a sexy braid to the side.

We sat down in chairs that were seated in front of a cage.

Cage? What was a cage doing in a party?

"Brazada, why are we seated in front of a cage?" I asked with curiosity?

"Ohh, well, I might have lied to you. You see we are actually at an underground fight. You should see Alek Ransome! Everyone, mainly the women, call him Handsome Ransome! OMG! It's starting. Shhh!"

I could only look at her with a dumb founded face. I  mean I didn't even know what a underground fight club consisted of, only that it had the word FIGHT in it. And who was Handsome Ransome ? What kind of name was that anyways?! I scoffed.

Turning my head from Brazada to the cage in front of me as the wear house dimmed and only the cage and the front few seats were lit with light.

"Ladies and you overgrown baboons" that lead to a boo from the crowd of guys " lets welcome Reggie the Hammer!" There was a few hoots and hollers as a man that was stocky built and with a balding head came into the ring. I immediately didn't like him.

" And now, let's welcome the undefeated man that need no introduction. ALLECKK RANNSOOME! " the announcer boomed as a man or should I say a God like creature came into the cage. He was at least 6'4 with a tan muscular build,  and black hair. As if sensing that I was staring he looked at me and I could only gasp at the cold grey calculating eyes that clashed with my blue ones. I didn't know how long we just stared at each other, but he must have come up with some conclusion when he gave me a small smile.




Sorry I haven't written in a while, I've been busy. I promise to write more!

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