Chapter 2 Part 2

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 1 1/2 Year ago...

"Bel...Bell...Bella, I...I don't know... what to do! My parents will hate me and im only 17!"

"Don't worry Jade, you have me, Myles, and Dean to lean on".

"But my family isn't like yours! You have the perfect life! You have two loving parents, you have a boyfriend that adores you since we were children , your rich beyond belief, and you are the next Anna Palova in ballet,  everyone knows that in Black Water Academy!".

"Just calm down. You can stay at my house until you come up with a plan to tell your parents that your  2 months pregnant and the guy won't be in the picture".

"Really? Thank you Bella!" said Jade tearfully.

"Anything for you, you know i think of you as a sister!"

7 Months later...

"Don't worry about me Bella, you, Myles, and Dean go to the party. You guys deserve to go out since putting up with with my hormonal emotions" Jade said cheerfully.

"Are you sure?"

"Come on babe! You heard Jade, lets go. Dean is already at the part waiting for us".

I looked over my shoulder to see Myles leaning against the entryway to my Mansion; with his 6 ft lean swimmer build, he looked very similar to the actor Ben Barnes.

"OK. If your sure".

"Have fun, but text me so I can pick you guys up from the party. I don't want you guys to drink and drive".

Jumping into Myles'  red Lamborghini I waved like a lunatic to my best friend; on the drive to the party I just couldn't help but have a crazy smile on my face because I had the perfect life. Little did I know was that later on that night my life would change forever or like the saying goes "the other shoe was about to drop".

Later that night...

" This is our last chance,

In your hands

'Cause the world is spinning at the speed of light.

The night is fading, heart is racing.

Now just come to love the life we're gonna die"

Listening to Ke$ha's song I danced with my childhood sweetheart, Myles on top of a table as people whistled and grinned with each other. I had to admit that as the night went on I got more tipsy; this wasn't any surprise because I was known around the prestigious Academy  as a THE party girl.

Looking around the party I spotted Dean having body shots with some sluts. I cringed when he started making out with some random chick that surrounded him. Ugh, I'm surprised he hasn't had AIDS or some other genital disease yet. 

"Babe, I think you should text Jade to come pick us up because I'm not in the right state to drive" Myles slurred in my ear because of all the loud music.

"Awww, I wanted to stay out a little longer, but OK" I respond back. I grabbed Myles hand and jumped down from the table to the front of the house where the party was still going strong . When we were outside I texted Jade.

Me: Can u pick me N' Myles from the party?

Jade: Sure, b there in 10. Wat about Dean?

Me: He's ok. He didn't drink a lot. So he is taking Myles car.

After I texted Jade, I texted Dean.

Me: Me N' Myles r leaving, Myles left the Lamborghini 4 u

Dean: k

I rolled my eyes because Dean was probably "busy" at the moment with the random girl he kissed earlier to respond back with anything more than a K. MEN!

10 minutes later

Myles and I ran to the car as it pulled into the packed driveway.

"There's Jade lets go" I said to Myles.

As I approached the car I knew something was wrong so I ran up to the drivers window.

"Jade! Whats wrong?"

"I'm going into labor! I don't think I can drive!" Jade said with a scared tremor.

Looking closer at Jade I noticed that suddenly Jade's face was bruised and swollen, the side of her mouth had blood where a minute ago those marks weren't there.

"Bella, how could you?"

"How could I what?" I said to Jade, getting more scared by the minute.

"Bella, how could you!" Looking across the car I saw the Myles had half of his face burned

I started screaming and screaming while the voices in my head chanted "Bella, how could you."



"Trixie! Wake up Trixie!"  A familiar voice called.


I hoped that gave you a closer look into Bellatrix's past. I  will write more later on tonight about Bellatrix in the present and in Chapter 3 you  will be introduced to someone that catches Bellatrix's eye;) And again, there will be grammar errors.

All rights reserved to the singer Ke$ha for the lyrics I used in this chapter. I DO NOT take credit!

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