Chapter 7

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Lucy's POV

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" I bounced on the bed.
"What? Why!?" frowend dad.
"It's time for you two to go to work!" I shouted excitedly.
"Lu, it's 6 am, we are suposed to be at work at 10 am!" said dad and tried to sleep again.
"Yeah, but we have to make sure that you do everything as planned!" I said.
"Shut up and go back to sleep!" growled mum.
"I'm gonna go to the living room!" I said qickly and got out of the bed as fast as possible. I made mum grumpy and that ain't good. When I came downstairs, I sat down on the couch and watched some TV. To be specific, I watched Wolfblood on Disney Channel, one of my favourite TV shows.

After few episodes, I started to make breakfast. I made some french toast and coffee.
"What ya doin' Princess?" asked dad.
"Made some breakfast and coffee" I kissed dad on the cheek. He smiled and we sat down to eat.
"Where's mum?" I asked.
"She'll come as soon as she smells breakfast!" dad and I chuckled. After about 10 seconds, we hear mum running down the stairs.
"Morning mum!" I chuckle.
"Morning Sugar Bear!" smiles dad.
"Morning you two!" said mum grogly. We ate breakfast and got ready. It was time to leave. Boy I wad excited.

We got in the car and drove to the HQ. Hetty called everybody and they were all in the bullpen. Sam, Michelle, Kam, G, Joelle, Kimy, Eric, Nell, David (Eric and Nell's baby), Granger and Hetty.
When we got in front of the Mission,
I got out of the car. Mum and dad stayed in the car.

I walked into the bullpen. I was pretending to be all sad and everything and my eyes were bloodshot from crying. Mum teached me how to fake cry, so I cried in the car to make my eyes all read and puffy.
Everybody looked worried at me. We said our hello's and talked a bit. I said I have to go to the bathroom as an excuse to call dad and mum and tell them that they could come in. I walked back to the bullpen to join the otheres.

I could faintly hear mum and dad's steps.
"Well it's not my problem that you ate all the donuts Fern!!!" said dad as they walked in the bullpen.
"Don't call me Fern!!!" said mum and punched dad. I laughed at everyones faces. They were all thinking 'What the hell' probably. Grandma and I just stood there and watched the view amused.

Callen's POV

Hetty said that everyone shoud be at the bullpen today, so we where. Sam's family, Eric and Nell's family, Granger and my family. We were all at the bullpen, talking and waiting for Lu to show up. Few minutes after 10 am, Lu walked at the bullpen, her eyes red and puffy. We were all really worried for her. We talked with her and tried to distract her from thinking about her parents, but it didn't work.

After about 5 minutes she went to the bathroom. I glanced at Sam, he was already looking at me. We were both really worried about her, I mean she lost her parents. After few minutes, she came back. We were talking and I heard familiar voices. I jerked my head up and couldn't believe my eyes.

"Well it's not my problem that you ate all the donuts Fern!!!" said blonde shaggy man.
"Don't call me Fern!!!" shouted the brunette beside him as she punched him in the shoulder.

This wasn't happening, I mean how can they be alive. They were shot and didn't make it trough surgery. This can't be possible.
"Do you see what I see?" whispered Kim.
"Lovebirds..." grinned Sam and run towards Kensi and Deeks. He hugged them so hard that they probably couldn't breathe.

"Sam....can't....breathe" said Kensi. Sam let go of them and I chuckled. I am so happy. They are alive, I didn't lost part of my family, my friends. I didn't lost a part of my team, people who I would give my life for. They were here, standing right before my eyes. Lu had her parents back. Everything was back to normal finally.

We all hugged them and when that was over I started to wander why did we think they were dead.
"Guys, I am really glad that you're back, but why did we have to think that you're dead?" I asked.
"Mr. and Mrs. Deeks had an undercover op. They weren't allowed to contact anyone from the team so they wouldn't blow up their cover. It was the easiest for everyone to think that they were dead!" said Hetty.

"Okay. I am really glad that the op didn't take to long" I smiled to Kensi and Deeks. We all talked together like we used to. Then it got to me. Why did Lu have bloodshot eyes?

"Lu, you obviusly new before all of us that Lovebirds were alive. Why were your eyes bloodshot?" I asked.
"It was all our plan. I had to pretend that I didn't new mum and dad were alive so mum thought me how to fake cry. I cried on our way here and that's why my eyes were all red" she chuckled.
"Well, you would be a great undercover agent!" I said to her.

"Thank you, Uncle G!" she smirked.
"Since when you call me G?"
"Since I got lazy to call you Uncle Callen!" she smirks. We all laugh.


Lucy's POV

Hetty gave everyone the day off so we decided to go on the beach. We all went home to get ready and met at Venice beach. Dad, mum and I brought our surfboards. We putted our stuff down and Kimy and I decided to sun bathe. After few minutes, I could feel two strong arm grabing me.

"What the hell?" I yelled and opened my eyes. I was hanging over dad's shoulder.
"Dad put me down!" I yelled.
"Not today, Princess!" he laughed and continued to run towars the water. When he got into the ocean, he trew me off of his shoulder and I fell into the water. Damn it, it's cold.

"Why did you do this?" I asked dad furiously.
"Because you were looking to peaceful!" he smirked.
"Oh, you're so gonna get this!" I shouted and started splashing him. We splashed eachother for good 15 minutes and then we decided to surf. We put on our wet suits and grabbed our surfboars.

"I bet you 20 bucks that Lu is gonna stay on the board longer than Deeks!" said Uncle Callen to Uncle Sam.
"Deal!" said Uncle Sam. Dad and I ran towards the water. We hopped on our boards and paddled with our hands. I cought a really big wave and stood up on my surfboard. I was keeping my balance when the wave splashed over me and I fell off my board. I didn't manege to take a breathe before falling in the water. I was loosing oxygen really fast. I felt like I was under the water for hours when I started to black out.

Deeks' POV

I was trying to catch wave when I saw Lu falling in the water. I looked around but she didn't got out. I jumped off of my board and dived into the water. Lu was on the bottom, knocked out. I grabbed her waist and pulled her up. I placed her on her surfboard and pulled her on the shore. She still wasn't waking up. Everyone run to me. Sam gave her CPR, since he was the only one to know how to properly do it.

"Deeks what if she doesn't wake up, what if she dies? Deeks I'm affraid!" Kensi started to cry. I pulled her in the hug. She burried her head in my chest and sobbed. I held her thighter. I was terrified, I couldn't think what would happen if we lost Lu. She's my Princess!
"Shh, Kens, Lu is gonna be okay! She is tough, just like you!" I whispered in her ear.
"Thank you!" she whispered back and hugged me tighter. After few second, Lu begin to cough. Kensi and I knelt beside her on each side as she opened her eyes.

"Hey!" she rasped and sat up.
"Baby Girl, thank God you're ok!" said Kensi and hugged Lu.
"How are you feeling, Princess? You got us all worried!" I hugged her.
"I'm a bit sore, but I'll be fine in an hour!" she said and we all laughed.
"What happend after I fell in the water?" she asked.
"When you fell in the water, your dad pulled you out to the shore and than Uncle Sam got to give you CPR since you were knocked out" said Kensi, her voice cracking up.
"Thank you!" said Lu.

We all sat down and talked. Everything was back to normal. We were still One Big Happy Slightly Disfunctional Family.
I am glad to be back. I have the best family in the world!



Guys, I am so so so so sorry for not updating!!!!! I had a lot of studying to do and I was over my friend house so I didn't have any time to update. I watched Defectors and my little Densi heart is hurt! What the hell is gonna hapoen in Internal Affairs!?!? Damn it, it's driving me nuts, I'm so worried!


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