Chapter 3

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Justin's POV

Today is the day, today is the day for me to have a family and a wife who I have no idea who she is at all.

I am going to marry today, it felt so complicated.

I was forced to do this for the sack of my dad.

I was nervous and curious of course, curious of every details about my "wife". I started wondering and thinking of every little detail about her.

To be honest, I was really curious about the look of the girl. I definitely hope she's gorgeous and beautiful. I was really afraid that she's not my type.

I was on my tidy and expensive white suit. I looked at the mirror and looked at my hand, I used to think that Xenia will be the one who was standing by my side and holding my hand, not a random girl.

I used to think that I would have a proper wedding and marriage with Xenia, definitely not an arranged marriage with an unknown.

I went to my bed and looked at the photo of Xenia and me. I held a weak smile, we used to be so happy and so sweet together.

Her smile in the photos were so real, it looked like we were so in love but she cheated at me and caused me end up in prison.

We really loved each other deeply from the bottom of our hearts, we cared for each other. She really loves me, I know that very well. But that's just how I assumed.

I know I shouldn't forgive her anymore and I should hate her but I couldn't. I couldn't move on from her and that pain, I felt betrayed but I still very love her. I'm in love with the pain she caused on me.

I would want to be her groom and she'd be my bride in the future. We can build a family tree and live happily like a fairytale.

Well, that's why we called as fairytale, at least that's what I can imagine but it will never happen.

No matter what, I still love her and I will always love her.

Suddenly, a door knock interrupted my thought. My parents entered my room with a big smile on their face, but I just tried my best to fake a smile.

They hugged me and gave me kisses on my cheek. My mom patted my back and whispered "Oh my gosh, I can't believe time flies so fast, with just a blink of an eye, now Justin is going to marry.".

I hugged her back and said "I know. Thanks for everything, mom.".

My dad walked to me and patted my shoulder, he held a big smile and said "Look at my baby boy, he's officially a real man now.".

My dad looked at me and held the happiest smile I'd ever seen, I'd never seen him so happy, his smile made me feel so much better.

Hopefully I am making the right decision.

My dad asked my mom happily "Pattie, excuse me. Can I talk with Justin personally for a while?".

My mom smirked and nodded. She left my room to let both of us have a little discussion.

I had no idea how should I start a conversation with him, he was the reason why was I doing this, I was unhappy but I couldn't hate him, he's my dad.

He held a smile and took a deep breathe, he patted my shoulder again and said "Justin, I know this is unfair to you but thanks for fulfilling my wish.".

I shook my head and defended him "Dad, that's not your fault. Maybe you are right, this marriage isn't that bad. Maybe I will end up falling in love with Ariana and move on from Xenia. Don't  feel bad at yourself anymore.".

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