Chapter 44

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Justin's POV

"Mr Bieber, can I come in?", Mr Tomlinson asked for my permission while standing at the other side of the door and giving a light knock on it.

I nodded and allowed him in "Ya, of course, come on in.".

He stepped into my office and took a seat opposite of me, he held a smile and showed me his concern by asking "It's Sunday today, why are you staying here instead of home?".

I shrugged and admitted while chuckled softly "I don't know. Haha...".

He nodded to show me his understanding and he handed me a document, he held a smile and said "It's okay, I'm here to tell you a good news to chill you up.".

I raised an eyebrow and reassured with him confusedly after taking the document from him "What is this about? The orphanage?".

He nodded with a smile and said "After taking a week of discussion with the shareholders of my company, my company decided to enlarge this project by just focusing on children organization.".

I started skimming through those documents and the updates of the project, he emphasized "We're going to demolish this orphanage, but to rebuild and enlarge this orphanage. We will sponsor an amount of money as their needs and certainly provide monthly medical check up from the hospital.".

"Medical check up?", I reassured with him in surprise.

He took a deep breath and nodded by his voice sounded so down for a reason "Ya, of course... I really don't want the same thing as Elaine to happen again. I hope the children can stay happy and healthy all the time even though without their parents.".

I stood up from my seat and sent him a huge hug instantly instead of shaking his hand, I patted his back and thanked him "Thank you so much. Thank you so much for making this decision for me. Mr Albert will be so happy for this decision. I believe you had a tough time as well to convince those shareholders too. Thank you so much.".

He patted my back as a reply and said "I believe she's happy now too, I believe this is the right decision.".

He pulled me away from the hug and scoffed at me "Yo, better sign the contract for the agreement of this project immediately, or else I might change my mind at the next second.".

I nodded and agreed with him "Yes, I will make an official announcement about the date to sign the contract. These few days will be the best. I believe this decision will completely blow those journalists' and reporters' minds.".

I showed him my hand and reassured with him one last time in an unsure tone "Mr Tomlinson, I hope you are the one who's willing to make this decision without any feeling of being forced. I really hope there's no pressure on you while working with me.".

He chuckled shortly and shook my hand without any hesitation, he said "No, no pressure but pleasure. It's an honor to work with you. Thank you for teaching me a lesson, a lesson that will be rarely learned in my life. Money ain't everything, this society has helped my company a lot and I think it's time for me to redeem or to do something for those organizations who really need helps.".

He added "Besides, this will increase our companies' images but personally this decision means more meaningful to me. I feel like I'm doing the right thing for the first time without involving any consideration about money or any benefit to my company but my personal feeling.".

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