Chapter 30

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Justin's POV

"I know you are not Ryan, tell me who the fuck are you.", I looked right into his eyes with a livid and furious look while pressing him against the wall for not allowing him to sneak away from me.

There's a few seconds of silence among three of us especially Ryan. He looked so calm and not even showing a second of anxiety or nervousness.

I locked my eyes contact with him and questioned him in a serious manner again "Are you deaf? I said who are you?".

He remained silent but didn't showing a sign of afraid or nervous. He looked into my eyes as well with a confident look which frightened me a little and stayed mute.

For a second, I started doubting at my assumption again as he's not arguing or even denying with me at all. Besides, his confidence on his look was torturing me.

A familiar question started running on my mind again "Who is he?".

Suddenly, Ariana interrupted my thought by pulling me away from Ryan gently, she questioned me in a serious tone as her eyes had already gotten watery "Justin, I need details.".

I shut my eyes and said "Ariana, you don't have to know about the details, you just need to believe in me. I am speaking the truth."

I paused for a while and softened my eyes once I reached her eyes level, I asked her in a short question "But, do you believe in me?".

She looked at me hesitantly and her eyes went to Ryan a few seconds later, she didn't look completely believing me but she kinda wanted to believe in me.

She took a deep breathe and nodded "Fine, but one condition.".

A smile was grown slowly on my face as I asked her calmly "What condition?".

She replied in a monotone "I want to divorce with you.".

My heart broke into pieces instantly and it hurt me a lot. The way she looked at me and the way she said to me brought me heartbreak as she's saying those words in a serious tone.

I widened my eyes in disbelief and reassured with her in surprise "What? What are you talking about?".

She turned away from me to avoid my eyes contact, she whispered softly "You heard me. After making sure that the orphanage is safe, I want to divorce with you.".

I furrowed my eyebrows and argued desperately "No way, there's no any other way for me to divorce with you. No, I won't let this happen.".

She rolled her eyes and continued "Well then, just demolish the orphanage. In fact, this project belongs to your company. It makes money and you shouldn't let this chance to slip away from you.".

I looked at her in disbelief and I argued with her again "What? Are you serious? I can't believe this. You have no idea what are you talking about. I don't want that money, I want to remain that orphanage because it means a lot to me and you.".

She turned away from me again and tried to end the conversation with me "I don't care about that orphanage anymore. Please get the hell out of here. I don't want to see you anymore.".

I tried to argue and speak more but I was pushed away by Ryan immediately. He pushed me away from Ariana and warned me "Are you deaf? She told you to get the hell out of here. Get out!".

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