Chapter 5

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Jeremy's POV

"Honestly, I have no idea whether am I doing the right thing or not. I feel like I am killing my son like pushing him to the edge.", I was sitting on the couch in my living room and watching the television.

Some boring cooking channel was played on the television, normally I would love to watch this, but I didn't give a fuck at all today.

I was really worrying about my son, he just got himself a long wait of freedom and now I just ruined his freedom party.

I was kinda regret for doing this to Justin due to my selfishness. But, I really just wanted a grandchild while I still got time for this. I really hope that Justin could get over Xenia through this marriage.

Honestly, I felt like I just ruined Justin's life by forcing him to marry to a stranger.

But luckily Ariana is a sweet and kind girl, I hope Justin can learn to love her and appreciate her.

I knew she was forced to marry to Justin as well due to her money problem but I think she will never hurt Justin.

The only thing that worried me the most is Justin. He will hurt Ariana for sure if he still couldn't move on from Xenia.

Xenia is back and I believe there are a lot of dramas going to happen soon.

Ariana's POV

"Justin, are you okay?", I was sitting on a gigantic bed and questioned him worriedly since he didn't look fine at all as he didn't smile or say any word to me.

I really wanted to ask him about his history with Xenia but I don't think so it's a good timing to ask this. Besides, I don't think he will open up to me. So, just forget about it.

Yes, we are officially a married couple now through a marriage and a contract. Justin is officially my husband and I am officially his wife. That's just crazy.

Now, we are sharing the same room and sleeping on the same bed, no more personal space or privacy from now on. That's terrible when it came to a stranger who turned into your husband within a few hours.

However, I was really amazed at his house. It's so fancy and so gigantic. The decoration and the design of the house are everything. The furnitures and some facilities of the house seemed like really expensive and luxurious. It felt like a royal mansion.

Anyway, back to the topic.

Justin's eyes were still dark after being dumped by Xenia and he's not even bothering to look at me at all. I sighed as it's really hard to communicate with him.

I was sitting at the end of the bed while Justin was sitting at the other side of the bed, he didn't even make any eye contact with me.

What's wrong with him?

He just slapped me in the wedding hall and it's pretty obvious that he's still in love with Xenia.

If he doesn't love me, why should he say "I do" to the priest? I don't want to marry to him either, I just marry him for a deal.

My mom really needed that money and that's the reason why I had to marry him. I may sound like a gold diggers who loves money but I was really in desperate for money to clear off the debts.

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