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I don't remember my mother, but I remember that for as long as she was alive, she was everything a mother should be, loving, cautious, and caring. I don't remember her face, or her personality.

I was young when it happened. For some unknown reason, she took her own life. I may not remember much of her, but I will never forget the sound of that gunshot. It had raised a fear inside of me that will forever haunt my memories.

"Abbi!" Willow shouts behind me dragging Jason behind her. An unfamiliar boy fallows behind them. I stare at him curiously. "This is Jason's friend, Rory." She says. "He wanted to bring him with us." Rory's dark hair shines in the sunlight, his brilliant green eyes gaze into mine. I'm unable to look away.

"H-Hi" I say, stumbling over my words. He chuckles rolling his eyes, obviously amused. I look at the ground, embarrassed.

"Don't worry." Jason assures me. "He's not much of a people person."

"Come on! We can't be late again." Willow takes Jason's hand, leading us to the square. Jason wraps his arms around Willow's waist, kissing her lips softly. Jason has been my best friend since I can remember, but I would've never imagined him with Willow Woodsharp. Until the time came that I had to accept it, even now I'm still trying to grasp the idea of it. 

We are headed to the customary meeting. The City Council holds one once a week, mostly to keep us updated. Everyone in the city is required to attend.

I look up at the top of a building as we pass it. Like most buildings in Seattle, it is slowly wasting away from all the years of sitting there with no purpose, just rotting away as time passes.

I quickly peek over my shoulder. Rory saunters slowly behind, in absolutely no hurry. His eyes come in contact with mine, but I don't look away. He rolls his eyes, annoyed.

The voices of the city come together in one place. They get louder as we get closer. The voices join as one, creating a muffled wave of sound.

"Thank you all, so very much for joining me today!" Blake Shamper, head of the city council's voice bounces off the side of the walls of beaten up buildings.

"As we can all tell, the weather is getting crisp and the air is getting colder." His voice vibrates though the shiny silver microphone. Sometimes it seems that soon there will be nothing left to shine, that the world will rust, along with this city, tearing at the seams and slowly fading away. Goose bumps run up my arms.

Willow and Jason have found a snug place next to me. The heat radiating from Jason makes the goose bumps disappear.

"Where is he? He said he'd be right here." Anger swells inside of me. "Why is it that every time something is required for everyone to be at, he decides that the rules don't apply to him?"

    "Don't worry, I'm sure he's here." My father has a habit of skipping important events, for reasons no one can explain.

    "No, he's probably just drinking himself into a coma, right now." Jason brushes his fingers against the back of my hand, making my stomach jump for joy.

    "You don't know that. Give him the benefit of the doubt." Willow's arm still clings to him, making the anger inside of me accumulate, now even more.

"But, my dear friends, there is an important matter here that we must discuss." Everyone turns to one another, puzzled...almost worried. "Someone has broken into Visen Headquarters, and I'm ashamed to say...a record is missing." Gasps escape from the crowd. I tightly grasp Jason's arm, trying my best to stay calm. My mind thinks of all of the possibilities of whose they could've stolen. Could it have been mine?

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