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I DIDN'T REALIZE I had fallen asleep in Rory's room. He shakes me awake, almost as if he's in a hurry.

"Abbi," I groan. "Abbi, come on, we need to go." I wave him away, he grabs my hands, pulling me from the bed. Now I'm awake. "Now!" He drags me toward the window, where five trucks sit in front of the hotel. I grasp the windowsill, fearful. He's here.

"He's never going to stop." I whisper. Rory hands me my jacket that I left on the bathroom floor during the night. I hastily slip my arms into it.

"We gotta get you out of here." I nod, noticing a man step out from one of the trucks. He pulls me out into the hallway. He peeks through the small glass window of the door leading into the stairway. "They blocked it off." His face is full of frustration. "We need to get up to Jack's room." Any strength I had left has been completely been drained, making me have a strange urge to drop to the ground. I giggle.

"You're joking...right?" He shakes his head, I'm unable to move. I would rather be shot by Caine and his men many times over, than be in the same room with Jack a second time. Many people have a desire to to kill me, but Jack is by far the worst. He never used a gun, knife, or any other weapon when he attempted to take my life. He used his bare hands, cutting off my oxygen supply, wanting to be close enough to look into my eyes as the light drained from them.

I wrap my arms around myself.

"Why?" I whisper, hoping that if I'm quiet enough there may be a possibility that he won't be able hear me.

"Because," He looks down at my sluggish body for a moment. "He may be a jerk, but he knows how to use a gun, and we can't get out of here on our own." I sink down into myself.

"We?" I repeat, wishing that the words were a mistake. He chuckles. I admire him. Even at a time like this, he can still always manage a smile.

"Yes," he slowly starts walking back, approaching his room. I follow. "I didn't teach you how to use a gun for nothing." I shrug.

"I didn't think I'd have to shoot at actual...people." He rolls his eyes. "So,"I try to change the subject, distracting my mind. "How are we going to get to," I struggle with his name. Every time I say it, I picture those evil eyes. "Jack?" I shudder.

"Well, I have an idea, but," I dread what he'll say next. "You probably won't like it." My heart drops thinking of all the possibilities to get upstairs. We reach his room, he hurries to the window. I stand obliviously in the doorway, hugging myself.

"What are you doing?" He asks, now suddenly in a rush. "Come here." I obey, strolling toward him. He lifts the window up, opening it as far as it can go. I look at him with disapproval of any idea he might have. "Okay, just swing your legs over, but be careful." I quickly back up, unwillingly.

"No! Absolutely not!" He sighs.


"No!" I am and have always been deathly afraid of heights, no matter how high, the thought of falling has never been exactly pleasant. "I'm not good with heights." He shakes his head. He sits on the windowsill swinging his legs over, without a problem.

"Who is?" He laughs, almost as if this entire thing is a game. I slowly move back to the window, looking down at the pavement. I gulp.

"No, Rory," I shake my head, breathing faster and faster.

"Look at me," he takes my head in his hands, lifting my face. Which makes it even harder to breathe. I automatically reach to the side of my head, taking his hand, and squeezing it in fear. "I'll be right beside you the whole time." I nod, tying my hair back.

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