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I thought college was going to be a time where I could figure out what I wanted to do without my parents controlling everything. It turned out to be the complete opposite. I'm going to the university that they picked, I'm being forced to join the same sorority my mother was in while she was in college, and I had to ride with my mother in the car on the way to the university while my father drove my car.

I mean, I'm grateful that I get to even further my education. I'm in a great university. School is completely paid for, but I wanted to figure things out myself, but of course my parents wanted it a different way. Of course, I wanted to please them. That's all I have done my entire life. I was in this little box that they have put me in ever since I was a little girl because of the fact that my dad was a prestigious music producer and my mother was a well-known fashion designer. I've kept numerous things from them that they would have found despicable, but shit happens.

My mom and I walked into my dorm room together. My roommate wasn't there yet so it was empty except for the desks, night stands, and beds. I sat on my bed to see if it comfortable enough to sleep on as I looked at all of the flaws that the room held.

"It's a good thing that you won't be living here long, doll." My mom spoke. "It's so tiny."

"I think it holds character." I shrugged.

"Don't just settle for just anything. You're better than that." I rolled my eyes. I really didn't have time for her little speech she was about to start.

My dad came with two boxes in his arms and threw them down.

"You didn't have to throw the boxes, Louis." My mother scowled.

"I'm sorry, dear." My father said through gritted teeth before turning on his heels and leaving.

My mom started opening the boxes and taking things out so that they could be put away.

"Mom, what are you doing?" I questioned.

"Unpacking, doll." She smiled.

I pushed the boxes away from her and frowned.

"This is my time to be an adult. Let me do it." I insisted.

Once my dad finished unloading all of my things, I tried to rush the two of them off the best that I could. They weren't making the situation at hand any easier.

"Maybe just a few boxes?" My mom questioned.

"No, go away." I said pushing her lightly.

I hugged them both and then waited as they grabbed their things and left my room. I finally could breathe without my mom hounding me. She acted as if I was her only child when I was just the youngest child.


After briefly introducing myself to my roommate, I began to get ready for the first rushing event for Delta Beta Phi. I wasn't into really dressing up especially after a two hour drive with my mom, so I just slipped on a dress and the first matching shoes that I see. I put on mascara and then curled the ends of my hair but decided on putting my hair up in a braid instead.

I walked to the sorority house and saw a crowd of girls walking in. I sighed deeply as I got closer to where I'd be potentially living. I walked through the doors and everyone was mingling with one another.

"Hi, I'm Leah Mills." A girl came up to me with a smile.

Before I could get a chance to introduce myself, Leah interrupted me.

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