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*Bristol's POV*

I dragged my feet against the floor as I went to go answer the knock at my door. It was too early in the morning for any type of company over. When I opened the door, I saw my boyfriend standing in front of me with white roses, a gigantic bag of Sour Patch Kids, and a big bundle of movies.

"Can I come in?" Zayn asked sounding hopeful.

I shrugged, "Depends... are you going to stop being an ass?"

Zayn nodded his head with a crooked grin.

"I'm sorry for being so weird lately. I just have had a lot on my mind. But now my full attention is on you." Zayn apologized.

I smiled slightly, "And what is this?"

He held up all the items and smiled cheekily. What he said next completely made my heart do a 360.

"This is to remind you of how I fell for you in the first place."

I looked over to see if Mallory was here, and she wasn't. It was as if she had perfect timing. I grabbed all of the things out of his hands and under his arm and the pulled him against my by the collar. Our lips pressed together in a passionate kiss. I let go of Zayn's collar and wrapped my arms around his neck as he kicked the door closed.

He walked us to the bed and lightly pushed me against it so he could lay on top of me. I pulled away and quickly grabbed my phone to text Mallory our signature emoji whenever we needed the dorm room to ourselves. Zayn then threw my phone down and kissed down my neck as he slowly unbuttoned the oversized dress shirt that I was wearing.

Once he saw that I was b are, he practically growled. Because I thought he was taking way longer than necessary, I pulled his shirt and pants off without hesitation. I managed to flip us over so that I could be the one on top. My oversized dress shirt was still on and I kind of wanted to keep that way. I g rinded my hips into his receiving a low groan from Zayn.

"Do you want me, Zayn?" I questioned softly.

He nodded his head frantically, "So much."

I continued to g rind our hips together enjoying the torture that I was bring him.

"Ah, you are so h ard for me, baby. It t urns me on." I m oaned.

Zayn placed his hand on my hips and I slapped them away. I peeled off my underwear and continued to g rind myself onto him. I honestly wanted to just g et myself off and not worry about him since he avoided me for over a week.

To tease him even more I rubbed my thumb over my c lit and inserted a finger. I was not all for t ouching myself, but if it drove Zayn crazy, it made me want to do it. Zayn's eyes watched me the whole time as I continued to g et myself off.

Once I pulled away I placed my finger on the tip of his mouth.

"Wanna taste?" I asked seductively.

Zayn nodded his head and his tongue swirled around my finger causing me to grow even more t urned on. I couldn't handle it anymore, so I t ook off his briefs and s unk myself o nto him almost immediately. I m oaned out loudly and Zayn's eyes were screwed shut, which I didn't like, so I didn't move until he would open his eyes. Once he finally did, he looked like he was about to panic.

"Beg for it. Go on, beg for me to move." I groaned.

He seemed out of breath as he spoke, "Baby, please. Please make me f eel good."

That was enough for me to m ove against him. His m oaning was more intense then I had imagined. I loved being in full control of his body. I placed my hands on his b are chest as I r ocked myself o nto his l ength. I bent down and pressed a kiss to his lips and down his neck s ucking hard on the flesh leaving a bruise. I scratched along his tattooed wings on his chest and pressed my lips against the tattoo of the lips like I always do.

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