Behind Her Smile: 6

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Jenna's P. O. V

Alex and me were heading out of class when baboon butt Darcy stood in front of us. I stopped smiling when I saw him and took Alex by the wrist and tried to walk pass Darcy.

We pass by him, but when we were going to walk down the hall Darcy grabbed my wrist. I turn around and glare at him. I let go of Alex's hand and when I did I felt my hand go cold without his hand.

I crossed my arms over my chest and tried to not focus on my cold hand.

"What do you want?" I asked Darcy.

Darcy smirked and crossed his arms as well.

"I love it when you play tough." He said looking down and checking my legs out.

I decided to play the act and lean in on him. I saw him take a deep breath when I did. I bet he was impacting something wayy different to what I gave him.

"I love to play tough too babe. Look how tough I can be.". With that said I knee him where the sun doesn't shine and then when he was down holding his jewels I kicked him in the stomach.

Everyone around us gasp looking at the scene with wide eyes. I let out a breath and straighten up like nothing happened. Fixing my ponytail.

Do you guys really believe I did that? I wish I did though because when I lean into Darcy he grabbed me by my waist and smash his lips onto mine. I tried to pull myself away from him, but he wouldn't let me go.

"L-let me GO!" I said pushing him with all my strength. Which didn't work because his stronger than me so instead I decided to bit his lip hard so he can let me go. He finally let me go and he push me to the ground and spat on my face.

"You stupid bitch! We don't you do us all a favor and die already!! No wonder your dad left you and your good for nothing mother. You two are nothing but sluts! No you two are the town's sluts." He said to me kicking me in the ankle and walking alway with his crew laughing.

I bit my lip to hold in my tears and not cry and took deep breaths. Some people come to my side and helped me up. I smiled at them and thank them. I fixed my skirt and smiled at everyone who just smiled back at me sadly.

"Don't worry guys. I'm fine. At least unlike that doofus I know what 2+2 is and have better grades than he'll ever have. His a dumbass don't listen to him. See you all at the game." I said to the crowd around me and walked away. I heard someone running behind me  and calling my name. I turn around smiling when I saw Alex.

He come over to me and stood in front of me. He stared at me for awhile which made me frown.

"What's wrong?" I asked confused.

"You don't have to hold your emotions all the time. It's okay to cry once and awhile." He said still looking at me. I frowned even more.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

He shook his head and signed.

"Nothing. See you at the game. Bye." He said walking away from me.

I was left in the middle of the hallway confused not knowing what he meant.

You don't have to hold your emotions all the time. It's okay to cry once and awhile.

Then that's when I figure it out which brought tears into my eyes.

"How does he know?" I whisper to myself. Someone bum into me which made me come back to the real world. I started walking to the gym for cheer practice with a million thoughts in my head full with Alex.

Later that day

Turns out that kick Darcy did to my ankle hurt it a little and I realized that when we were doing cheer practice. The girls asked me if I wanted to go to the nurse and started cursing Darcy out and how they are going to jump him for doing and saying what he did to me. They told me to sit on the bench during the game and not to move so it doesn't get worse. 

I sat on the bench and looked behind me to see if I could spot Alex in the crowd. I did spot him to see him looking at me smiling. I smiled back and waved at him. He waved back smiling as well. The game started and everyone started to cheer and yell. I cover my ears from the noise. My ears are still sensitive from last night and the punishment for being late.

The screaming died down a bit and the cheerleaders started their cheer. I must say they are amazing at what they do, but they're annoying sometimes. Still they are amazing girls who have an amazing future even if some of them pretend that they're stupid when they are smarter than the people they call "nerds".

Honestly though the "nerds" are the future billionaires and millionaires. I rather be a nerd than be a dumb jock that would probably get hurt while playing a game and if that happens their future would be over in a snap. People just judge others by their appearance not by what is inside of them.

For example my best friend Helen. She's a blonde and everyone thinks that because she's a blonde she's as dumb as a fish and because she's dress as a Barbie it makes it worse. But in reality Helen is the smartest they come. She has a 4.0 GPA and she may act like she's not paying attention in class when in reality she's listening to everything the teacher is saying. Thing is that for Helen what matters most is popularity not brains and she doesn't show other people's her high scores on tests expected me.

The thing with people is that they don't realize that they may be popular in school, but outside school they are just another human in the world that if they don't focus on their future they would stay like that forever. They don't understand that they won't always have the attention of everyone and that they can't know everyone. They would always try to gain more popularity when out of those thousands of followers on Instagram you have how many of those thousands do you actually know well and trust?

Out generation doesn't realize this, but sooner or later they will and when they do they would wish they could go back in time and change what they did wrong in the past. The sooner you realize this the sooner you would be smart on the decisions you make in life.

But looking around the gym right know and seeing couples making out at the back and some jocks shuffling a nerd to the wall and laughing... I realize that it would take forever for them to realize this. I looked back at the game to see Darcy about to shot the ball when another player from the other team shuffle him to the floor and Darcy yelling and holding his knee.

I couldn't help but smile and let what I'm feeling out. I guess letting your true emotion out once and awhile feels good.

 I guess letting your true emotion out once and awhile feels good

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"Well isn't karma a bitch." I said turning to hold in my laugh. I looked up to the bleachers to see Alex smiling at me and nodding his head. I smiled back and looked again at hurting Darcy.

Well isn't Darcy an ass? He deserve what he got right? Remember guys don't be mean to people that haven't done anything to you because karma would get you back for that. Anyway love you all!❤️❤️

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