Existential Crises-Chapter 1

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"Hey! Leave him alone you bastard!" I yell rushing over to the man holding Phil by the collar.

-Last Night-


"This doesn't sound like help, it sounds more like you're trying to hurry my decision." I said to Pj. He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, "look, you've been coming to me and Chris for years now saying 'I wish I would've told Phil' 'I don't want him in this situation' 'I love him." He says mocking my voice.

I do have to admit that I love Phil and I really regret not telling him so before he found Jake.

He was vile and cruel. He always pushed Phil around and did things too him that I would cringe thinking about.

"Well, I didn't know Phil would do something like that, he's so sweet and he seems like he'd be smart enough to make his own decisions that would HELP him." I sigh. Pj puts a hand on my shoulder "just be there for him when he needs it, that's pretty much all you can do right now."

Pj and I hung out for a few hours talking and laughing then he left and I was alone on the floor face first in my 'Existential Crisis' position. I stayed like this for a few minutes before getting up and walking to my room.

I laid in bed with my computer on my stomach, scrolling through Tumblr for about an hour till I heard the front door close.

I smiled at the thought of my roommate being home and decided to get up and greet him. Unfortunately, when I walked into the lounge I saw Phil being pinned against the wall by the last person I would want to see, Jake.


I was praying that Dan wasn't home because I knew how much it hurt him to see this, but of course, he lived there too, so I really had no chance of escaping that.

I felt Jake's tight grip on my arm, making it turn bright red, I hated him, but I couldn't find it in me to leave him. I've seen his sweet side, but the littlest things trigger him.

I feel myself being dragged down the hallway and thrown into my house, immediately being pulled up and pinned against the wall roughly. I hit my head on the wall and things went blurry right as I saw Dan walking into the room


Hey guys! Sorry that it's like REALLY bad, but it's my first one so......yeah. Let me know if you want more! Thank you! :)

Dan x Phil I Like That IdeaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant