Friendship Therapy (part 1)-Chapter 5

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I woke up early from a nightmare that I can't even bare to explain. I sat up on pillow and pulled my phone out, seeing fifty seven texts from Jake. I ignored them all and put my phone down, with a heavy sigh. I slunk down into my mattress and stared at the ceiling.

I started to hear rustling noises coming from in the lounge and my mind started racing with thoughts of what could be there to kill me.

I slowly got up from my bed, grabbing my phone and using it as a flashlight. I walked quietly and carefully to the lounge where I heard the noises. My heart was racing and I felt like I was gonna pass out.

I made a detour to the kitchen and grabbed a knife quietly. I walked into the lounge and turned on the light quickly holding out the knife with my eyes closed.

"Phil?" I heard the smooth and soothing voice that I loved so much. It was Dan.

I sighed in relief and opened my eyes, "why the heck are you up so early Dan? you scared the crap out of me!" 

Dan chuckled "i'm sorry I was just planning your friendship therapy for today?" 

I raised an eyebrow "my what?"

"Friendship therapy, it's where your best friend does all the things you love with you to make you feel better after a rough time. And I feel like this is one of the best times to do it." He explained. 

I nodded and sat on the sofa opposite of him.


I have been up all night trying to figure out how to do this friendship therapy thing and it's hard as hell.

I hated seeing Phil's face so sad. It physically hurt me.

-A few hours later-

Phil and I had gotten dressed because I told him that I was taking him on a surprise trip to a surprise place. 

It was so good to see the childish and excited look on his face like usual. I loved it.

I finally had finished getting dressed and when I walked into the lounge I saw Phil bouncing up and down by the door smiling and saying "c'mon Dan I want to see the surprise c'mon c'mon c'mon!"

I laughed "okay Tigger, calm down." I grabbed the house keys and walked out the door. Phil followed, skipping downstairs.

He was far down the stairs, so far that I couldn't see him to I skipped after him. I skipped and looked at my feet as I did "Hey Phil this is actually really fu-" I was interrupted when I bumped into Phil who had stopped.

I stumbled backwards slightly "Phil?" I looked at him. He was staring at something, looking like he was a deer spotted in headlights. 

I looked at him and followed his gaze. He was looking at Jake.

Jake had his arm around another guy and they were cuddled on a park bench.

I clenched my teeth and balled my fist.


I froze as soon as I saw him, feeling like if I moved I would break down into tears. I felt Dan run into my back, but I was too shocked to move.

After what felt like an eternity of just standing there, the weirdest thing happened. Jake looked at me, but Dan immediately slipped his hand into mine and kissed my cheek, making me go red.

Dan pulled me away and towards the train station.


It was the quickest and easiest way to get Phil out of there okay? I did it for Phil. Slightly.

Don't judge me, okay? I couldn't help it. I was pissed.

We walked to the train station silently and awkwardly.We finally got on the train and were uncomfortably close.The strange thing is that I didn't mind being this close to Phil and I honestly don't think he did either. I might be getting a little excited, but I really do think that he was comfortable being that close.

Phil and I were on the train for about twenty minutes when we finally arrived at our stop. We got off and Phil was back to smiling brightly.


I couldn't help, but smile when we got off the train and I saw that we were in a new town. Which means more exploring.

"C'mon Phil!" I heard Dan yell from almost the other side of the station. I bolted to him, laughing.

Dan ran off towards a weird alleyway. He disappeared when I got there. 

I looked around when I suddenly felt two hands covering my eyes gently. I tensed for a moment, but then I heard,

"Ready for your surprise?" Dan asked softly. I nodded quickly and he started walking slowly...

..To Be Continued...

A/N Hey guys! Sorry for the somewhat cliffhanger. I felt that the chapter too long so i'm cut it into two parts..Thanks for reading! XOXOXO-Isis

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