Chapter 6

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"How could he? Why did he? How can a low life son of a b-"

"Luke stop! What are you even talking about?" I interrupt his little rant.

"Don't act when your with me Bee. I see the way he looks at you and the way you looked at him when he saw me in your room."

"Luke I'm-"

"Elizabeth I know he hurts you!"

"You don't know what you're talking about! You're going crazy! Kevin wouldn't dare-"

"Then how did you get a limp worse then when I saw you at the hospital and have a god damn black eye during the time!"

"I fell down the stair-"

"Stairs! That's the worst excuse you can give Elizabeth! You look pretty clumsy to me, but not so clumsy that you fall down the stairs twice in barely two weeks!"

"You don't know me-"

"Your name is Elizabeth Hernandez, daughter of the famous retired designer Michelle Lopez, married to one of the most known, and best lawyers in the state, you're a teacher and councilor of the NY high school." He crosses his arms frowning at me.

I glare back, "you fucking stalker!"

"Google, Elizabeth, does wonders." His frown deepens and the crease in betweenness his brows go further down and his brown eyes darken.

"How dare you stalk me!"  I poke his chest and pull my hood back up as strangers are now walking by us and some are standing to the side.

"Your face is on every newsletter and magazine because of your perfect so called husband!" He takes a few steps towards me, until he's only inches from my face and he brings his eyes down to level with mine and again, I am drawn by the intensity I see in his eyes. I have to stop myself from gasping. "But dear, dear Elizabeth, you and I know he is far from fucking perfect." He whispers.

"Well no one in the entire world can be perfect like you, and who do you think you are to talk to me like that? I don't even care about you googling me, but you have no right to speak to me the way you do." I say. 

Luke continues looking me intently and a shiver runs down my spine, but not of fear. "You know what I mean sweetheart." He steps back giving me space to breathe and I inhale deeply.

"Luke your talking nonsense."

"I'm not! Fuck Bee, why don't  you just say it!"

"You don't know what I'm into Luke!"... did I just say that out loud?

"Yes I do!" He stands up straight and is rigid, his facial expressions show sadness and worry. I'm confused.

"How?" I question him.

"Because..." He hesitates and sighs, "I know more of the situation then you think..."


"Nothing" he turns around so his back is towards me. His hands over his head trying to calm himself down. I walked around him and continued my way to my car trying to ignore the gut feeling I had to go back and demand he tells me how, to punch him for using Google on me, and for some reason, I wanted to know more about his own "situation". 

I'm about to get in my car when I feel his hand grab my arm, but he was so gentle, I barely felt his fingertips. I turn and see a tear come down his eyes, but his face emotionless. He stares at me and then back to my car, his gaze switching back and forth until he lets go of my arm and swiped his hair back. He sighs and smiles sadly at me.

"I'm sorry for using Google on you." He turns and heads towards the coffee shop again. "I'll be seeing you again Bee, have a good trip and stay safe."

I turn to see the car and sure enough, my luggage was in clear sight. I get in and start the car, but don't drive away until I see the leather jacket disappear from sight of the mirror. What was this man doing to me? I have no idea, but honesty hope to never see him again.


"-it is highly recommended for everyone to always be with a family member or friend when walking the streets. The murderer has now attacked near Springfield, Massachusetts. Marking their victim with the same M.O. a knife punctured through the chest repeatedly, the bodies showing signs of rape and-" I turn off the radio.

For the past few days I've heard on the rumors of there being a person going around the west side of the U.S marking victims, raping them and killing them instantly to protect their own identity. I didn't believe it until I heard it now. The local radio gave off the news, but I couldn't bear to continue listening to it so I shut it off and connected my phone instead to the Bluetooth to play my music. I'm only an hour away from my mothers house but I was already feeling sleepy, even thought it was only two in the afternoon. Being worried about Kevin has certainly kept me up a lot for the week he left. I tried everything to contact him, phone call, messages, email, voicemail, etcetera. I even called his secretary. Yet, it wasn't enough to get information about my husband.

I left Kevin a note on the bed before leaving. I have made sure to add I would be headed to my mothers house before ending the note with a farewell and sealed it.

I hadn't planned how long I would stay, I told the High School that I was feeling ill and they told me to take as long off as I needed. The school board is very supportive of me and know that I don't make excuses to leave work unless it were an emergency or urgent. The kids and teenagers in the school grew very fond of me after my first year working there. They didn't trust me enough but I learner to talk to them and have them open up for help, emotionally or educationally wise. I have a degree in psychology, and am an English major.

Four years of college changed me for the better. And so did Kevin... But seeing how Kevin is now and days, it worries me that this might be how he will be for a long period of time, maybe even forever. I tried to help him and have him open up to me but he wouldn't let me. He denied my help because "there is nothing that needed help" as he said.

After a while I quit trying to help him, and he continued being who he is now.

When I finally drive into the city of Beacon, I feel relieved but afraid at the same time.  Luke, a stranger, he saw how I was with the bruises and limping, he knew the reason for them right away. I don't know how I'm going to be able to face my family. I don't want them to know how I am now with Kevin, but I don't want to hide it from them.


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