Chapter 13

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No one said anything, I've never hated silence more then I did at this moment.

Gabrielle, Luke, and I were seated in the same coffee shop Luke and I actually spoke in. They both came back to New York with me so I wouldn't be alone, and I refused to tell them what had happened in the police department until now, and they just stared back at me, not saying anything. Gabrielle was sad, but Luke was emotionless, usually I read people well, but Luke had a wall up, and I didn't know what to say anymore.

"What did he say to you when we left there Elle? I saw him stop you and say something, I didn't hear anything, but I do know that it had to be something big, you've been shaken up throughout the whole car ride." Gabrielle says softly.

I just shake my head, i didn't want to tell them. I know that what Kevin said was a threat, I know that if I run in risk of having more people be suspicious or know of what he has done, he would do something horrible. I didn't want to think of what he could be capable of, being a lawyer, he has many friends, friends who can do bad things and get away with them.

"He said nothing of importance, I'm really tired, can we please go to the hotel?" I suggested, knowing Kevin had keys to our apartment, I didn't want to risk them being there and have him entering in the middle of the night doing who-knows-what. So we came in agreement in the ride here to stay in the Hotel a few blocks away from the coffee shop.

Luke nodded and he stands up grabbing all of our garbage, Gabrielle takes notice of his seriousness and quietness, she doesn't nudge him on it and neither do I. We look at each other and have a silent conversation, knowing that we shouldn't bother him until he wishes to speak.

We all walk out going towards the car, and the way to the hotel was fulfilled with utter silence. I was in the passenger seat, Gabrielle was in the back, and Luke was driving us. I kept glancing at him from time to time, and he kept his hold into the steering wheel tight and his eyes locked onto the road. As the time passed, I notice his knuckles were actually turning white from having a tight hold on the wheel. He worries me.

Out of all people, I never thought the stranger who accidentally walked into my room in hospital, would be the one person to understand my current situation. Despite his tough guy look, his large body type, his muscular form, I never thought he would of had a bad past, especially one of domestic violence. After he had told me his story with Julia, I have actually gained more respect for him.

I don't know why, but the more I get to know him, the more I'm actually starting to have feelings for, unknown feelings I have never felt before. It honestly scares me, but I know that being around him, I feel safe, I feel a sort of peace that I haven't felt before.

When we arrive to the hotel, Luke parks the car and before I know it. He has opened the car door for me, surprised at his random act of chivalry after being so emotionless, I give him a small smile and get out of the car. I make my way towards the hotel but he grabs my arm stopping me, I couldn't help but compare his hold from Kevin's. When Kevin grabbed me, he pulled me back, actually leaving a bruise. When Luke grabbed me, it was gentle, his rough fingers felt soft against my arm, and usually I would have flinched, I actually questioned why I felt so secure when he grabbed me, it must be because I knew he was behind me closing the car door.

I turn around looking at him confused, he gently grabs both my arms and he turns me around, and pushes me against the car, he comes closer, so close I can smell his cologne and the cinnamon on his breathe from his coffee. He still looks emotionless looking down at me, the usual weird and funny Luke wasn't in front of me, and that wasn't a bad thing.

He looks down at me, his eyes burning into mine, like he's searching to find something.

"Are you okay?" He whispers low enough so only I can hear.

I take in a sharp breath as I felt his on my face, I felt so warm, so comfortable despite the close proximity, so close my chest and his would touch if I moved at least a centimeter more, but I stood still.

Not looking away from him, I nod.

He turns around and looks at Gabrielle, I turn to look at her too and see she is waiting across the street for us smiling patiently.

Luke turns back to me and he brings his head down so we are level, both his arms trapping me at each side of my waist.

"I want you to be more then okay Bee," he whispers, "and I'm going to try very hard, to my full capacity to make that happen, because despite everything you have gone through, I see something in you that I didn't have until years after I left her."

Still confused and actually curious, I look up at him and lock my eyes with his gentle dark ones. He closes the space between us, his hands around my waist now and he brings my body to his.

Surprised, I bring my hands up against his chest not breaking our eye contact, not stopping him from making me get closer to him.

"Elizabeth, I see faith, hope."

I gasp, "oh Luke, I don't think that's what you are seeing-"

"No Bee, that's exactly what I'm seeing, not for him, not for what you guys have been through," I see his jaw tighten and his hold on my waist tightens, but not enough to hurt me. "I see faith in hope for your own life, for a life that involves happiness." I see his gaze drop from my eyes to my lips and I swear, I felt as if at that moment, a there was in this utter chaos of my life, all there was, was Luke and I.

I feel him getting closer and closer, our noses almost touching.

"Bee please let me help you find that happiness." He says.

I was starstruck, in complete and utter awe. I didn't want to do anything in fear of breaking and loosing this current moment. I closed my eyes taking in what he had just said. Even though my eyes were closed, I could still feel his eyes burning into me.

I open my eyes up again and smile.

The smile I have grown accustomed to finally forms on his cheeks, and that only makes mine grow. And I nod.

He chuckles and continues to get closer. He stops, and says, "tell me when to stop, and I will."

I shake my head, "don't worry about me telling you when to stop Luke." I murmur. He closes the space between us, and I inhale in surprise of what I felt when his lips were against mine.

It's like I blanked out. I thought of everything at one time, not about Kevin or my mother worrying or the police department. I was thinking of Luke's arms being wrapped around my small frame, how his touch was extremely soft and gentle, almost as if his lips haven't touched mine yet, and how plump his lips were. How my hands were still glued onto his chest but how badly i wanted to run my hands through his hair.

Little did I know that moment was what made everything turn from the most amazing I've felt in years, to wishing that anything could have happened except for what had happened only seconds later.

I pull back hearing the screeching of tires turn a sharp corner, I turn curious as to what was just bound to happen.

The car was going so fast, I almost missed it, what I surely didn't miss, was how fast it had driven in front of us.

All I heard was a gun fire.

And a body hit the ground.



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