Chapter Eight

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"Lei," I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Lei, wake up."

I slowly open my eyes and try to sit up. Sleeping on the hard ground was not a good idea, because as I got up, pain shot through my body.

"Ow. I am in so much fucking pain."

I still have no idea who is waking me up in the middle of the night, but I don't really care. I just want to get home.

"Again with the cussing?"

And with that, I instantly knew it was Luke.

"I'm really not in the mood," I say as I stand up. He is literally the last person I want to talk to right now. I would even talk to Aubree before I talked to him. "Ow. Note to self, never sleep on the ground."

Luke chuckles and I glare at him. This is not a time to be joking around. I need to get out of here. I stand up completely and walk towards my car.

"Leilani, please," he grabs my wrist.

I instantly yank my arm from his grip and walk faster, well as fast as I can with all this pain.

"I don't want to talk to you. I never want to see you again."

"Please. I love you. And I know you feel the same way."

"Felt," is all I could say.

"What?" He almost whispers.

I turn around to look at him"I felt the same way you feel about me. I loved you. That is until I found out what you did with Bree."

"It was just a kiss."

All the breath escapes from my lungs as he says that. I feel like I have been stabbed in the chest.

"What did you say?" Anger boils in my chest.

"I kissed her. But it was only to get you to come to me. I needed you to come to me."

"And you thought kissing my sister would work?! After you told me you didn't have feelings for her!" I am screaming at this point.

I realize that there are people trying to sleep but I honestly couldn't care at this point.

"I did this for us! Everything that I do is for you and us! Why can't you see that?! God, Lei! You're so selfish you know that? You always only think about you, it's always been you over me. You have never put someone before you. Right now it's all how you feel, my feelings mean nothing to you!" Luke screams, terrifying me. Of all the years we've known each other we have never screamed at each other, especially like this.

"That's not true," I cry, "Luke, you know it's not true. You mean everything to me, and I wish I could give you what you want but I can't. I can't, so please can we let this go? I don't want us to stop being friends."

"Too late," He says then turns around to walk away. I fall to the ground clutching my chest, crying even more now. His words are on a constant repeat in my head, 'too late', as I manage to pick myself up and stumble my way home.

When I walk through the front door I can hear my mom talking to me, but ignore her. She yells louder and louder as I walk up the steps to my room. I can hear her following but I don't have enough effort to make her leave. I lay flat in my bed as she tries to get me to acknowledge her. After a while she gives up, giving me the space and quiet that I need. The thing is I don't want space and quiet, as mad as I am at Aubree, she's the person I need right now. She was always there when I needed someone, now she's nowhere to be seen. I shouldn't have pushed her away, she probably needs me too. What a good sister and friend I am.

I pick up my phone and call her. She doesn't answer, but I can hear the ringing coming from the attic. I'm such a dumbass why did I ever think that moving her stuff out of the room was a good idea? I guess I'll  just have to go up to her.

"Bree," I say quietly as I knock on the door to the attic.

No answer.

"Bree, please I made a mistake. Can we talk please?" My voice cracks, the tears ready to spill from my eyes.

I try the handle and its locked. This is all my fault. I've ruined everything. I start to walk away when I hear the click of the door unlocking. I turn around as Bree opens the door.

"What?" She spits.

I totally deserve this. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I love you and I really shouldn't have let Luke or any guy get in the way of our relationship. You're my best friend and I hope you forgive me. I just really need for everything to go back to normal."

"You should be sorry. This is all your fault. I told you that I had feelings for Luke and you still went out with him, the same night too."

At this point I feel defeated. I really don't need to be hearing this anymore. I start to walk away.


I stop in my tracks and turn around.

"You are my sister and I shouldn't have reacted the way that I did. I'm mad at you for moving my stuff to the attic. I'm mad because you didn't want me with you anymore, like you couldn't stand to be with me anymore. And that hurt, the first night you moved my stuff was spent with me laying on my bed crying my eyes out."

"I'm so sorry Bree, I didn't know. I didn't think. Luke's right, I am selfish. You know, through all this I've never once thought about you and how you felt. Bree, please believe me when I say I'm sorry because I truly mean it," I beg her.

She sighs, "I believe you, I'm just not sure I forgive you."

Hey sorry it's late. Only two weeks late. Seriously trying to stick to the schedule, but it doesn't seem to be working very well. We will at least try to be a little more consistent during break in order to stay on track. Sorry again.

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote and comment -Ambleah

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