[2.4] - " stop caring "

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YO. Self promo

if you like SEVENTEEN [which obvs you do bc you're reading this story, duh], but JUN in specific, check out my new story 'email'.



After the lovely time of meeting BTS and getting to bond with them and Christine, Taehyun was left with the boys of GOT7 for the second to last night. The next night would be her last staying with them and she would be assigned to her next temporary group.

She sighed and leaned against the bottom of the couch, slightly exhausted. The group was watching a movie and she was pretty bored with it. It was nearing 9 PM, and doing boring things like watching movies with dumb dialogue made her feel old.

On the couch was JB, Mark, Jr, and Youngjae, in that order. The others sat on cushions on the floor in the order of: Yugyeom, Jackson, Taehyun, and BamBam. While the guys leaned against the other guys' legs, Taehyun was leaning against the couch, between Jinyoung's legs.

Said male was playing randomly with her hair, trying and failing multiple times to braid it, but the girl really couldn't care less. She sighed and leaned back into the space between his legs and closed her eyes, only to open them again when she felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket.

She lifted up just enough to get it out and was careful not to elbow with boy group member in the nuts.

She looked at her phone and squinted at it in confusion, seeing the message was from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey, hyung what's going on with you and Jeonghan hyung?

TaeTae: new phone, who dis

Unknown: Do I have the wrong number? I'm so sorry!!

TaeTae: this is taehyun? who are you?

Unknown: Taehyun hyung! Good, it is you. This is Minghao or The8 (:

Taehyun nodded to her self and changed the name in her phone, adding him to her contacts. She chuckled softly at the fact that they still thought she was a male, earning the attention of Jr, but replied anyways without correcting him.

TaeTae: no offense, aegi-ah, but how did you get my number?

ming qt: Jun hyung gave it to me! :D

TaeTae: look at you using emoticons. you little cutie.

ming qt: What is 'emoticon' hyung?

TaeTae: emoji, aegi.

ming qt: Ooooooh! Okay, hyung!

TaeTae: but why are you messaging me, again?

ming qt: Oh, right. Are you and Jeonghan hyung fighting? :(

TaeTae: no. your hyung is just an ignorant asshole who doesn't want to listen to my side of things (:

ming qt: Hyung, that's mean...

TaeTae: sorry, forgot about your innocence and morals.

TaeTae: but i'm not going to sugar coat it. i have to be honest with little ones, right?

ming qt: I'm not little, hyung! I'm 18!

TaeTae: and I'm older than you, so you're little, kid

ming qt: That's not the point! What's up with you and Jeonghan hyung? He seems really upset, and everyone in the group is curious.

TaeTae: why do any of you care?

ming qt: We're worried about you, of course. Jeonghan hyung doesn't usually freak out very often and we heard him yelling on the phone with you :(. We wanted to make sure you're okay! :)

TaeTae: why don't you just ask your hyung?

ming qt: But.. I am asking you?

TaeTae: i meant jeonghan.

ming qt: Oh.. oops. :)

Taehyun sighed and leaned her head back onto Jr's legs and pouted up at him, getting a confused look in reply.

"Eomma, what do I do?"

Jr paused and looked down at her, "Well, first, you're actually calling me mom?"

"Duh. You told me the first day, didn't you? You're my eomma, you doofus. And I need some motherly advice, so brace yourself." She smiled back at him slightly.

He motioned for her to sit up, and she did. He stood up himself, then pulled her up before leading her out of the living room and into the kitchen, where they both took seats on the kitchen counters, across from each other.

"What does my only daughter need advice on?" He asked, half serious and half jokingly as he smiled slightly.

"Well, first, all of the boys in Seventeen seem to think I'm a boy. Even the ones I've worked with personally. Hell, the majority of my fanbase from the underground days seem to think I'm a boy. Do you know how much fanmail I get from other girls asking to get married? A lot." She huffed, starting of her rant.

"Why don't you just tell the world that you're a girl?" He asked slowly, tilting his head.

"Why should I? Whatever I've got in my pants doesn't define who I am, and if they want to believe I'm a man, let them. It doesn't bother me any." She blew a stray strand of hair from her face and leaned back on her palms, sighing.

"Okay..." Jr nodded slowly, "Go on..."

"Second, Jeonghan is suddenly accusing me of being in a relationship with JB after that incident earlier, and he thinks I'm gay?" She scowled.

Not many people had ever seen Taehyun angry, or even slightly bothered, as she was very good putting up a cold front, but this was really bothering her recently and she didn't know why. She had met up with the boys of her group to practice for their performance in two days, but the more she did, the more she started to notice Jeonghan's odd attitude towards her.

"You have no idea, eomma." Taehyun huffed irritably. "We go to the same academy for performing arts, okay?"

Jr nodded to signify to the female that he was listening and looked up at the ceiling.

"Well, we were put in a group together for a dance performance to do. It's Hoshi, Jun, Aijin, Yihyun, Jeonghan and I. Anyways, it's like any time we met up for practices he gives me this really judgemental stare all the time and he just practically studies me and it's starting to piss me off."

"Maybe he thinks you're cute?" Jinyoung offered, looking to her with a risen eyebrow, only to have her roll her eyes in return.

"He thinks I'm a guy." Taehyun gave her male idol friend a very flat look. "And on top of that, he apparently hasn't connected the dots that I'm a female, AND that I've been part of his company for three years. Three, Jinnie, three!"

He nodded slowly in understanding to what she was saying. "That sounds frustrating, to say in the least."

"You have no idea. And now, Minghao sent me a text and apparently they're worried about me." She scoffed and laid herself down on the counter, curling into herself. "Why should they care? They didn't take any notice of my existence before, so what gives them the right to try and care now?"

"People change, Tae.." Jr said, looking at her sympathetically.

She ignored his gaze and closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. Once she had calmed herself down a bit, she pulled her phone from her pocket.

TaeTae: well don't.

ming qt: Don't what, hyung???

TaeTae: stop caring. leave me alone.


Hey guys you should check out my story 'email'. it's a junhui fic

thanks fam.

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