Training Two

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The sun was just appearing above the misty grey clouds, far off in the great green mountains. The sky was pink, and full of tiny hummingbirds and Drone-Bees. Stormfeather was awoken by Flametalons's  commanding  voice, ringing clearly in his ears. He stumbled, groggily to under the Great Rock to ei his orders. "I want you, Blazefur... Blazefur? Get over here, you lazy mouse-brain!" The deputy teased. Startled, the tom looked up from his nest, jumped to his paws and raced to the clearing, a wild look in his wide eyes. "Sorry, bro." Blazefur meowed, dipping his head to his litter mate, who was having a very hard time trying to keep himself from purring in amusement. "Anyway, I would like it if you'd take Darkpaw and a couple other cats with you to hunt near the Twolegplace and Sunningrocks and Snakerocks. We hardly ever go to Sunningrocks or Twolegplace anymore," He finished, flicking his tail dissmissively. "I'll take Lionpaw to patrol the whole entire FireClan border, Honeyfall, Maplerush, will you come too?" He asked, his eyes glittered. "Alright, Flametalon..." Agreed Maplerush. "Of course I'll come!" Purred Honefall, nuzzling his shoulder lovingly. "Shall we go now?" Added Maplerush. "No. I gotta get Lionpaw," Replied Flametalon, whisking away from his mate. "He's probably still sleeping!" Flametalon growled. He sighed heavily. As all four cats went out, Lionpaw mewed, "So how do you forest cats do things here? I have heard from a couple loners- you are always fighting!" Honeyfall shook her head. "No! We fight for reasons, and not al the time!" Crossly, she lashed her tail in his face. "Sorry," Lionpaw apoligized, meekly. It was a funny bunch, an apprentice who was twice the size of his mentor, an angry but beautiful honey-colored she-cat, and one regular cat! "This is Twolegplace," Flametalon told his apprentice as the walked along, checking the borders. "This is Snakerocks, there are snakes living here- so watch out! This is Fourtrees.... This is Sunningrocks... This is... This is.... The ravine.... The lake..."


"Ok, Fox." Willowshine mewed, motioning to her apprentice with her tail to come forward. "This is juniper berry." She pointed her claw to the berry, moving aside so that Fox could see. "Ok, what's it for?" Fox said, excitedly. "I was getting to that..." Sighed the she-cat, shaking her head. "It's good for belly aches and energy boosting! And this... Is poppy seed. Poppy seed's good for sleep and pain relieving. Cobweb... For stopping wounds from bleeding too much..." Willowshine told Fox, who was now settling down, though her eyes were like brightly shining, stars of wonder and curiosity. As soon as the herb lesson was over, Willowshine meowed: "But it is very important to know warrior skills too, so that if-" She shook her head. "I forgot. Ashstar said you foxes know, by instinct, fighting strategies and moves. How fast can you run?" Fox got to her paws and bounded across the clearing and back in less than 30 seconds. "Okay, so we needn't work on running skills!" Willowshine meowed. "No we won't..." She whispered to herself. (As you can see, the two apprentices are doing well!)

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